Saturday, November 19, 2011

When will Democratic party leader Barney Frank get the recognition he deserves?

You all know he is willing to take it on the chin for his party.

When will the Democrats line up behind him and give him what he craves?

Frank/Pelosi for president in 2012!|||I can't wait for people to actually get a head on their soldiers and actually put the real people who destroyed our economy in spot light. Clinton, Dodd, Frank... etc etc.|||Oh...lets...see.

This would be a Republican making a lame attempt to saddle the Democrats with a Rush Limbaugh persona.

Y'all are so good with the subterfuge...I don't know HOW we keep beating you?|||He only gets recognition for being gay.|||If he, it, ever gets it, it will be off to jail.

"REAL CHANGE" begins in 2010|||I would love to see that ticket....Republicans would be a shoe in!|||I'm pretty sure it will be the Tuesday after hell freezes over...|||just what we need .....a jerry springer duo.....

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