Thursday, November 24, 2011

I hear that you republicans plan on making Sarah Palin your party leader. Is this true?

Do you actually think Sarah Palin will be your best candidate for 2012?|||somebody actually said the bimbo had more experience then obama. well republicans had a brain once upon a time. i wonder what happened? i guess they want her to continue to lead them to the clueless land.|||I sure HOPE so

Every time she opens her mouth I laugh and people over the globe laugh with me....for I am proven correct that she was and never will be ready to take the international stage and even come close to being President of this great golly

I love betta ya

Go palin

Democrat for palin 2012

She has incited the misanthropes (:|||wouldn't surprise me...exit polls taken after the election showed that 9 of 10 democrats stated that Sara Palin was not qualified, 3/4's of independents but only 25% of republicans...go figure|||You heard wrong (which isn't surprising if you're listening to the mainstream media). Michael Steele is taking the leadership role.|||I like the woman because she is for ONE nation under GOD, and nothing else really matters, you will see why, one of these days!!|||I hope they do, since that would mean more democratic wins.

Because if SHE'S the best they can come up with, they don't deserve to win|||No. They want Jindal to be the next leader.|||hahahahaha, considering the conservative logic I've seen around here of late, probably.|||where did you hear that|||Only time will tell. |||Wow, and i thought Dem's were the ones who used hope as a strategy|||Yes! She is pro-life gun and anti gay!

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