Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why is Fred Thompson giving a longer speech than President Bush, the leader of the Republican party?

Thompson LOST the nomination, why did he give a 30+ minute speech, while the leader of the party didn't even bother to show up and only gave an 8 minute speech by teleconference?

|||Bush is incredibly UNPOPULAR, Thompson is not.|||Fred is an actor and likes the stage.|||They didn't want Bush on the Prime Time network coverage. That's how low the GOP has sunk. |||McCain is distancing himself from the current Republican president who has a 30% approval rating. They didn't want him there.|||Because the republicans were afraid that bush would make a fool out of himself again and add more material to his now infamous gag reel.|||Hes got more to say and no job.|||That's all they wanted from Bush..I bet if they could've gotten away with not having him on at all, they would've. Hell, didn't his wife speak longer than he did?

Listening to Fred Thompson was like watching an episode of Law %26amp; Order|||Because the convention is about the presumptive nominee, not the President.|||It is therefore our holly duty to put marks of our guns and our wills,and our flags upon it!!!! To expand the boundaries of our ineluctable POWER!!!! and to INVADE,,,,INNNNVADE,,INNNNNNNVADE!!!!

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