Saturday, November 19, 2011

Whats the chances of Democratic party leader Barney Frank becoming the President of the United States some day?

Does he have what it takes to stimulate the masses?|||No. The reason is that he is too hostile to the public.

DTG|||He'll have the gay prostitute vote, for sure!

That inauguration party will be the wildest in history.|||Zero..|||zero.|||After Obama got elected i am afraid to guess.After all he does have experience if that even matters at all.|||I guess I will be voting for the "That don't go there" Party that year.|||Zero chance. No way, no how.|||Zero. Look at the uproar over electing a black man. And the inherent sexism aimed at Hillary Clinton's campaign. It will be decades, if ever, until this country will even consider electing a homosexual to the highest office.|||That's funny. Zero. Maybe he could run for president of San Fransisco. That's a communist state isn't it?|||Zero. I doubt he ever considered it. We've had fewer than 50 presidents...most of us will never be president.|||0% chance

he create the mess that we're in|||The infusion of money that ACORN is set to receive as Barry's pay-off for the recent vote manufacturing means even an objectionable and crooked person like Frank has a chance.|||0%|||Hopefully none, if he ever becomes the President I will ETS from the Army since America will no longer be the nation I love enough to lay down my life for.|||The leader of the Democrat Party (DNC) is Howard Dean.

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