Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Which tea party leader said the following quote?

"The government is afraid of the guns people have because they have control of the people at all times. Once you take away the guns, you can do anything to the people."|||Why would you ask which Tea Party Leader made a statement then provide the answer as someone who was not part of any Tea Party?

BTW-Timothy McVeigh committed his crime as revenge for the Federal Government killing so many people at the Branch Dividian Compound in Waco Texas. That has nothing to do with the Tea Party movement that is all about excessive taxation and Constitutional limits on the Federal Government.

*|||The dems should embrace the tea party because they are going to split the tickets and votes that would normally go to a Republican will now be wasted on a tea party choice.|||That's right. You guys didn't know that? He's the only dead Tea Party leader who associated with the ideas of Marx.|||And a former registered Republcian by-the-way.|||McVeigh understood the 2nd Amendment quite well...and perverted it. obama is a "Constitutional scholar" and shreds it. Those two have much in common. The Tea Party Movement is mild mannered, in contrast.|||McVeigh was dead long before the Tea Party ever came on the scene. McVeigh was never a "tea party leader".|||Wasn't he executed years before the TEA Party movement ever started?|||1) The Tea Party didn't exist when McVeigh was alive

2) McVeigh was NOT a Tea Party leader.

Honestly, if you really believe that McVeigh was a Tea Party leader, please provide a link or source to substantiate that claim.|||Wow. So you're saying Tim McVeigh is the Tea Party. Wow. Simply wow. Your President must be so proud. Maybe he'll give you a cookie.

Answer: None.|||1) Timothy McVeigh was not alive in 2009 to be part of today's modern Tea Party

2) Founding Fathers said this in explaining the 2nd amendment

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