Thursday, November 24, 2011

If David Cameron were to resign who do you think would take his place as Conservative party leader?

Personally I think the order of likelihood would be like this;

Theresa May

William Hague

Liam Fox

Michael Gove

Iain Duncan Smith

Francis Maude

George Osborne

Ken Clarke

Sadly I don't think the Conservatives will ever elect Ken Clarke even though he's the best politician they've got. There's always the chance for an outsider in a leadership race aswell so people like Zac Goldsmith and other backbenchers would have a shot.|||Not much to choose from there

2 of them have already had a shot of Tory leader

ken is passed it

Gove makes me want to throw up

Osbourne is sinister

Okay if I had to choose .....May|||Sadly you have left off the best candidate from your list. I myself would vote for the rat the new cat is supposed to catch as it would be a better proposition for the country and its people than any of those you have listed. It probably wouldn't steal as much from expenses, leak as many stories to the press, start as many wars, or just in general shaft every taxpayer in the nation except the well off cronies who pay into the party funds. Or would it?|||None of them, Boris Johnson. Johnson evidently can be parachuted straight into the seat he once held and would be a shoe in for the leadership. This is why Boris didn't come to Cameron's aid when he was asked if he should resign. Instead of just saying NO, Boris said that it was a matter for the PM. Boris aches for the leadership and will do anything in his power to get it.|||Judging by the latest debacle my front runner would be Rebekka Brooks, she seems to have the qualities of a typical politician and should fill the role well.|||Who cares they are all spineless puppets no guts .|||Another coalition, Jedward.|||Mr. Osborne. He should be top gun. It would not surprise me if he already is; and DC is merely a frontman.|||~Clark or Osborne|||Rowan Atkinson. They'd win for sure, then.|||What a selection of talent! Perhaps they could persuade Adrian Chiles?|||My money is on Ranvir Singh.|||Gideon Osborne or Zac Goldsmith

If you close at those who've stole control of our country of over 60 million, Where this lot are no more than a 300.000 minority like Cameron, Miliband, John Bercow the Speaker or the house

%26amp; Leader of the House of Commons Lord Triesman control us all today.

Even George Osborne changed his name from Gideon....

All Jewish and George himself maybe one...

So what are the odds this lot like Churchill %26amp; Blair having so much power over us like their control of the banks. While dragging us further into an undemocratic VOTE-LESS EU. Where the master plan is for a one world bank. It might also explain why the UK is being watered down by so many immigrants since those in power are just that..

Even the royal males are all said to be circumcised protestants.. weird or conspiracy or what I call. Espionage and a threat to our national security... Like Murdock's control over our media, he too is jewish... get the picture UK.

Stop voting %26amp; down tools.

The truth hurts doesn't it thumbs down dood ;))) wake up UK

cameronissim is Scotland's one true god given religion and all others are paramilitary organisation, here to divide our people so they can stealing power from under us..

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