Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why are Republics so anxious to find a leader for thier party!?

When Bush was president, democrats weren't looking for a leader or trying to find out how to redefine ourselves. We stuck to our values and beliefs and in the end, most Americans realized that a Bush way of thinking does not work and is dangerous. Most Democrats loved Clinton and we felt just fine with how our party worked, thought, and changed America. Why are Republics so lost and feel they need a make-over? Aren't they just the Whig party anyway!|||The Republican Party has to change if it is going to survive. The Party is a dinosaur. They are regressive in their thinking. They are stuck in the 1950's and Father Knows Best. The Good Ole White Boys Party isn't going to survive. They have been hanging onto Gays Guns and Abortion and those three issues won't win elections anymore.

They used scare tactics for over 20yrs, telling you the government is going to take away your guns. The government has not taken away any-ones guns.|||Republics??|||Nowdays it's either "he's one of us" (radical extremist nutjob) or a RINO.|||we republicans ave made many mistakes these last years

but do not count us out

obama hillary reid pelosi can keep talking and we will be fine trust me|||dems didn't look for a leader because they were too busy insulting Bush and demonizing our soldiers risking their lives. The dems can't even pass a health care bill with a strong majority in the house and the senate.|||Who's looking for a leader?

No One.

You're just another liberal, making-up fiction to feed your feeble ego.|||They were too chicken to go for the all out fiscal conservative libertarian Ron Paul.|||Currently all you have is the blind leading the blind. Rush Michelle, Sean and Beck the current leaders. Oh and Wilson of S.C.|||there like sheep %26amp; are looking for a new herder to follow|||If Clinton and the democrats were that popular, then how come congress went to the Republicans after he got in office?|||Because their party is falling apart.|||They are. Over the years they changed into fear mongering, hate, lies and racists. I would be embarrassed to call myself a republican. The party of old white men better join the 21st century and realize they are a dying breed. The status quo party is living in the 19th century.|||They have nobody right now.|||Of course, they need a make-over.....but why in the world are they going further in the same direction??? Palin? Wilson?

I'd rather vote for the guy who is county clerk in my city to be the next President than anyone I see prominent in the Republican party.

The Libertarians aren't much better... they are out there listening to the voices in their heads, too.

There are so many Americans in such an awful place now...and we have some serious, serious problems....and all I see are nut jobs either insisting that we need more of the same.....or else some kooks who want to elect some Ayn Rander...|||I believe you are referring to REPUBLICANS and NOT Republics, first off. Secondly, the GOP is not for you to worry about as you aren't one of them.|||because they like to play the party game "Follow the Leader"

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