Thursday, November 24, 2011

If Palin were to become an important party leader how screwed would the Republicans be?

Let us face it, she is pretty and tolerable to a degree, but she is a one trick pony that needs to go to pasture. |||The McCain supporters that refuse to swallow their pride might like Palin, but the top political analysts and Republican party would never allow her to advance to a leadership position. She's good as she is managing igloos in Alaska.|||Not at all.. In fact she would stomp Borack in 2012.

Let me ask you this,

whats your basis for her intellligence level? all those news soucres that kissed Obamas Butt?

shes actually quite intelligent and accomplished ALOT in Alaska. you should look it up on your own perhaps

Ironic that people ignore her 80% approval rating in her own state.|||The democrats are already screwed by having a party leader like Obama.|||Really, I will be surprised if she becomes a party leader per se. To answer your question, it would indicate how far the Republican Party has come from the days of Ford and Reagan, if she did become the GOP darling.|||Your absolutely right...she's waaaayy too American! Who needs that? |||after what happened in this election,I dont see the republican party bosses backing her up. I see her going independent.|||Ditto Flawbit's answer. She says what she believes and just because you don't agree doesn't make her anything less. |||Not as screwed as we are with Obama.|||not nearly as screwed up as this country will be with obama |||Palin likes to point fingers but can't handle her own shortcomings. So I think the party would fall apart.|||You worried? Reagan did a pretty good job for us. Conservatives are the best for America.|||The republicans and democrats have trashed her with no good reason! I would say there is a certain amount of jealousy going on as to how a woman ever got this powerful and knows more than all the white men running the show! Watch out guys we know who you are! Palin 2012! |||Republicans don't require the totalitarian leadership Democrats require. We are the personal responsibility party and basically want government to leave us alone.

Palin's qualifications as Alaska's governor are sufficient.|||doubly screwed.|||Why is it that we know more about Gov. Palin and "Joe the Plumber" that we do about our President - elect?

There is no physical audible that Gov. Palin made botched statements regarding NAFTA, the plausibility that Africa is a nation and not a continent, or her frantically sorting $150,000 of clothing provided by the RNC for the campaign. All bunk and here say - its what her critics want to believe. Trash and typical of the liberal, left and elitist media that felt like they were rail roaded for not being given the chance to scrutinize her prior to her nomination for VP. She is conservative, a person that crosses party line, and has a proven record. So her pedigree does not include an Ivy League education nor a Juris Doctorate degree. We should be so lucky not to have someone in power that is outside of the traditional elite lawyer.

She did nothing wrong other than offend the liberal elitist base by being something outside of the norm and different. Hmmm, different, that's a word used synonymously by the left. Isn't the Liberal Left supposed to tolerate those that are "different"?

The hypocritical rantings of the left are quite comical since we do have physical evidence in the form of video and audio of Joe Biden making the dumbest statements ever recorded by a VP Candidate:

1) Claiming FDR quelled the panic of the 1929 Stock Market crash by getting on television and reassuring that the government would help in this time of need. A) FDR wasn't president and B) TV was not a viable communication system in 1929. Gov. Palin would have been vilified if she would have said something so ridiculous.

2) Joe Biden said that a successful economy is based on 3 letters "J. O. B. S" hmm, that's 4 kid.

3) Lets not forget the 57 states that Sen. Obama stated he visited.


Get over it liberals - you won. Now is the time for the substantive issues of "real" politics, the economy, foreign affairs to come about. Too bad the media felt it wasn't important to call out Obama/Biden on the real issues of the day - instead they chose to impale Palin.|||I suspect that in your mind, the Republican Party could never be unscrewed up. So with that in mind, your question is almost a moot point. However, as a Republican, don't you think it's my decision to decide what is screwed up in my party? From my view point, yours is pretty screwed up, so which of is us right? Time will tell.|||There will be no more Republicans in 4 years.

There will only be one Party and one Nation under Obama.

Ours is a glorious future, Komraden! Da!?|||Quite screwed. Why do think they are trying to destroy her?

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