Saturday, November 19, 2011

How would history be different if Trotsky became communist party leader?

Instead of Stalin? (If you don't know who Trotsky is, then don't bother answering)|||Impossible to say. We only know it would be different.|||It would be very different. It is quite possible that Russia would have held off tyrannical rule much longer than it had, if not completely. For Stalin, the idea of a Socialist state was nothing but a power grab. He developed a military state and strengthened state bureaucracies to such an extent that it overwhelmed the voices and needs of the Russian people. He built up a cult of personality based on the continuation of Stalinist "socialism", and entrenched himself as the leader of an increasingly oppressive state. Trotsky, on the other hand, understood the dangers posed by such developments and threw his support behind the struggles of the proletariat. He also knew the importance of reaching compromise, as was seen when he worked to resolve the in-party conflict between Lenin and pro-parliamentary leftists prior to the 1917 revolution. He decried the Soviet Union's shift to state cronyism and the suppression of free speech and the right of assembly. Yes, history would be quite different if Trotsky hadn't been removed by Stalin.|||Russia would have been over runned by the German Nazi making Hitler world power of East Asia. meaning Russia and all beyond would be a Totalitarian Fascist side with abundant of natural resource to build up arms on the mother land. Trotsky wanted to help the Russian people with basic communist ideas from Karl Marx. While Stalin said forget the people we need military power authority ( "The only real power comes out of a long rifle" . Joseph Stalin ) . which ended up being useful since Russia had arms to atleast backoff the Germans on the east . I highly disagree on Stalin but he saved Russia also. so its a 50/50 win

Elmo Is Evil. course he was but he wanted to help people first . Stalin murdered him. Because he wanted power that badly. Stalin even did photoshop back in 1940s to shut people up|||It would be ALOT different. Other countries wouldn't be so closed minded to the idea of communism, if Stalin didn't take power. We would have much more communistic countries and maybe even a revolution here in the U.S.! Trotsky was a smart man, Stalin was not.

Comrade Alex- Trotsky was the 2nd hand man in the Bolshevik Revolution AND a military leader.

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