Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is Tea Party leader Sarah Palin's greatest achievement?

Quitting her job.|||She is not the leader of the Tea Party. There is no leader. When there is, the Tea Party will cease to exist.

Sarah Palin was a two term mayor and the governor of the state of Alaska until the liberal scum was costing her state millions in wasted dollars because of fraudulent frivolous ethics charges. Rather than bankrupt her family paying the legal fees and causing the state to waste money gathering information for the law suits, she opted to resign. All the hoopla made in difficult for her to govern. The liberals best talent is destroying the lives of their perceived enemies.|||The Tea Party MOVEMENT does not have a leader because it is not a political party.

The Tea Party protesters are mainly concerned with the increasing National Debt and the crushing taxes our children and grand children will be stuck with.

What is your answer to their concerns....Nothing?

Instead you waste multiple questions with total foolishness|||When I close my eyes and listen with my ears, Palins greatest achievement is tricking my ears into thinking she has just arrived out of the Ozarks and is trying to fool the american public into believing she actually finished her education. And standing proud with her dysfunctional klan beside her. She is everything that is WRONG and ignorant in our country.|||annoying millions of liberals without trying? ur right- she didn't have to try. she was just her idiotic self and we were so outraged that this person could actually be a leader of our country. sorry for caring- you should have too.

Her greatest achievement was prob being governor but she quit that prob to run for prez soon which she won't win, and her time as gov was awful with the whole bridge fiasco, and employee scandals.|||Annoying millions of liberals without trying.

@CB101 : Yes, I do care. I would like to know what the left's obsession is with one person that no longer holds a political office. Aren't there, I don't know, politicians with power to follow? Really, the stalker mentality is getting tiresome. She's a citizen. She can say and do whatever she wants. If someone listens to her, so be it. And, just to ask the question, what experience did Obama have before being elected? Just out of curiosity?|||telling you ******* the truth|||She saw Russia from her house. Please Hardworking Americans DON'T let the TEA party be hijacked by neo cons. They will promise you the world and completely forget you when they are in.|||To become a multi millionair!!!|||Quitting LOL.|||She got "saved" by a witch doctor.|||She can talk,,|||having a retard kid

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