Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is Glenn Beck edging out Rush Limbaugh as GOP party leader?

And what do conservatives see in that crybaby anyway?|||Glen Beck is a Libertarian. He criticizes Republicans just as much as Democrats, and has been doing so for years. He doesn't want to be a leader of anything - he wants people to think for themselves and stop believing all of this partisan bull-crap put out by both sides.

People who supported Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress are just as guilty as the insane Democrats headed by Obama in control now. Beck pulls the wool off the eyes of the sheeple and encourages them to see the whole picture.

He works for FOX because they have the largest audience and offered him the job, but he does not promote 'Republican or Conservative" party agendas.

If he leads anything, it would be in the way of giving people other options than the Bush/Obama globalist agenda - and if you have to be a party member (which I can't see why anyway) - there are other parties which are growing by leaps and bounds, and intelligent people are looking elsewhere. They want truth, constitutionality, and freedom - something which neither the Republicans nor the Democrats embrace.|||I think Glenn Beck makes a lot of sense and I like the guy. I am not obligated to agree with everything he says but I could see myself voting for him. I can't stand Limbaugh, he is a liar and a hypocrite and I would vote against him just to not see him in office even if I didn't like his opponent.|||I wouldn't say either of them are the leader of the Republican Party but Glenn Beck will definitely become more influential than Rush in conservative circles. The most probably cause of the shift is because of the shift in preferences from angry rhetoric (Rush) to fearful rhetoric (Beck) due to the economic downturn.|||yeah he's going to lead the fundie revolt. I think he was just the fall guy, the only one dumb enough to bank his whole career on hating obama. I was worried after the elction. I was like the colbert report and the daily show are going to go off the air now but thanks to people like glenn beck we still have some one to ridicule.|||Yeah....go with that....

Your own words: "And what do conservatives see in that crybaby anyway?"

LOL! My five year old spoke like that too! Of course he stopped talking like that. You on the other hand....

LOL.....Ol HermanHesse (above) says this.."No, pumpkinhead is still the leader republicans love thier big fat drug abusing lying pig nosed turd fondling ****** Rush limpballs."

Now there's a pithy and cogent argument! (Look it up Hermann). HA, You go guy!|||Obviously you do not watch Glenn or know anything about him.

He was bit***** about Bush when he was president also. Funny how you people always leave that out.

If you would actually take a minute out of your day to watch him, you would know that he is an independent and is angry with BOTH parties.|||No. Glenn Beck isn't even a Republican. He is a Libertarian. Is Rachael Maddow or Olberman leader of the democratic party? Of course not.That would be silly. Many Republicans don't even care for Rush. Michael Steele is the public face of the GOP.|||Neither have anything to do with Republicans. They are conservatives. The Republicans (the Neo-Cons, as the Libs like to call them) are not Conservative at all. Neo-Cons are Republicans who wish they were Democrats, like Bush, McCain %26amp; Ahhnold Governator.|||He is so FUNNY! I love Glenn Beck! I crack up watching his show!

He's actually a comedian and goes on tour! He is alot funnier and smarter than Rush- but Glenn is not republican and he supports legalizing drugs- thats one issue I don't agree with him on.|||Michael Steele is the chairman of the GOP.

Glenn has a radio show and a TV show. Rush has a radio show.

Nobody is forcing you to watch him.

So the correct answer is No.|||Larry, Curly and Moe

Glenn, Limbaugh and Hannity|||No, pumpkinhead is still the leader republicans love thier big fat drug abusing lying pig nosed turd fondling ****** Rush limpballs.|||Don't know. Not keeping track. It seems only leftists like you are concerned with such things and then b*tch, whine and moan about how mean they are to you.

Bottom line, go talk to the kettle.|||Crybaby? you jealous... Moveon is calling ya,they miss ya. And neither one is or will be the GOP leader. Who is yours Oberjerk or Tingling leg?|||Neither is a party leader. They happen to be news people.

The only crybaby I've seen in the media lately is Keith Olbermann.|||Nonsense.

Limbaugh is in charge of hate and rumor.

Beck is in charge of conspiracies.

They are team players.|||No. I鈥檇 say it鈥檚 currently between Limbaugh and the Queen of Dumb - Palin.|||That would be great! He's nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake.|||Beck is the more moderate of the Fox news crew.|||Glenn Beck is a Libertarian but nice try, put the kool-aid down.|||They are talk show hosts and entertainers.|||I hope so, makes them that much more irrelevant.|||They want to french kiss his crotchal region.|||no. Both are clowns , not serious politicians.|||I don't know, but I think that Limbaugh is old news and is done.|||I thought grown men were not suppose to cry. Is this not a sign of weakness?|||He's a radio and talk show host. Why does he bother you so much?|||No. Rush knows what he is doing as evil as he may seem. Beck seems like he's just unstable.

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