Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Will you be supporting Barack Obama in his campaign to be democratic party leader?


I don't like him one bit. That reminds me, someone on here asked who I dsiliked and I forgot to put him on that list. Danget!|||But at the same time, what about the anti Clinton people, who maybe believe Obama is the lesser of five evils? I'm tired of hearing the critics say that Raganarok would come if Clinton became President!

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|||I like Obama. He's a cool n*gga. I think he'll make a hell of a president. He's got the intellectual and articulate side, as well as the down-to-earth-what's-up-holmes side of it too.|||No because I feel he is a very deceiving person. He is only interested in what he can obtain for himself. Ever heard of the anti-Christ.|||Would i support a system that uses bribery and corruption to be a leader, defiantly not or anybody involved with such a system , a poor man will never be elected to president of the USA . much to its loss

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