Wednesday, November 30, 2011

UK. Gordon Brown wants to continue as Labour Party Leader, even if he loses the Election.?

In this event, should Gordon be allowed to remain as the Leader of the Labour Party?|||Well to be honest;Gordon Brown has every right to think that he has every right to remain as leader of the Labour Party.

But;Fortunately the decision will not rest with him and his small clique of misguided worshippers; But the decision will be taken by the members of the Labour Party in Westminster who even now have realised that Brown is un electable.

Those Labour Members of Parliament have experienced the benefits of being in the corridors of power and are keen to keep a foothold on the 'gravy train' again as quickly and as long as possible.

So;In the end;The decision is not about what Gordon Brown wants;It is all about what is best for the Labour Party and does it want to remain in the margins of political society for the next 20 years with Gordon Brown as leader.

They know that Labour remains un electable with Gordon Brown as leader.

To be honest;Gordon Brown would have been slung out on 'his ear' long ago;But for the intervention of Peter Mandelson who was parachuted in to revive his sagging political fortunes at the expense of the British economy!|||It's up to the party. If they vote him out that's that! Maybe, they might consider him the best of a bad bunch and vote him back. Doesn't worry me too much, he can't do much damage as leader of the opposition. He's ruined this country as Prime Minister and I would imagine that's blacked his reputation for ever as far as many of the present British electorate are concerned.|||It has been said many times Brown will hang on to power and give a dam for any consequences, They will drag him screaming and kicking out of number ten and the grooves from his fingernails will lead from the drawing room of number ten to the car port. And will be there for all to see for generations.|||I'd say let him. He's helped to destroy Labours believability and now everyone knows exactly how they intend to control and run roughshod over the population. I doubt now that Labour party will ever be trusted again. Hopefully the same will be true of Tories and Lib Dems.|||well it would certainly help the Conservatives if he dose, every question fired at Cameron could be answered with a glance across the floor, and a comment of just trying to clean up after that shower.|||What do you mean even if he loses ? He's history , let him stay as leader forever , it's a guaranty that Labour will never be reelected .|||There's an election coming up, he's hardly going to say that he's going to step down is he?|||he'll be kicked out. no one in the labour party will tolerate that oaf for a second longer than they have to.|||Their all as bad, frankly i prefer him to Alastair Darling|||Nope|||sure why not, i dont think we can stop it

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