Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What do you think David Cameron Conservative Party Leader?

Would you vote for him in the next election?|||I think he is a good leader of the Conservative Party, and will be a much better leader of the country than any Labour MP.

Also, my local conservative MP is very good, so I shall be voting conservative in the next election, as we do not vote for the prime minister directly.|||I certainly won't vote for him or his Party at the next election. He seems to be a bit of a chameleon with just about any policy, saying what he thinks we want to hear, which doesn't convince me he is sincere - just ambitious.

It would be very likely be a catastrophe if he got voted in as he would be manipulated by the real power behind the scenes pulling his strings.

A knee jerk reaction just to get Labour out of office by voting him in could prove a very costly mistake for us all and probably far worse than anything we have already seen.|||Privileged ephemeral fatuous w@nker who has no conception of how difficult life is for the "great unwashed".

I will be voting for the party most likely to defeat candidates fielded by the two conservative parties: New Labour (neo-Conservative) and Conservative (original Consevative).|||I don't see any difference in integrity or values from him to the current government.

I'd no more vote for him than Gordon Brown or Tony Blair...|||if i lived in ireland, australia, GB, or whatever country he is from, yes i would|||DEFFO THE NEXT PRIME MINISTER|||I dont like his environmental gibberish.|||I think he is a bit wishy washy but he's head and shoulder above anyone Labour has to offer.|||I think he is fantastic and I will vote for him to be Prime Minister.

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