Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why is the Republican party leader a radio talk show host?

LOL......if Rush is the Republican party leader then the GOP is in deeper trouble than anyone thought.|||Rush may be a conservative but he is NOT the Republican Party leader... LOL ... you guys are sooo funny. The MSM cannot stop shutting up about him and because you only listen to the MainStream you assume he is our leader... LOL what a joke.

I will bet you right now that more Democrats listen to Rush than Republicans. I know I don't nor do any of my conservative friends... we hear about him sure... but it is my Liberal friends that always knows exactly what he says... It is seems even on Y/A the libs are always talking about him. Not the Republicans... funny huh...

EDIT.. hahaha thumb me down all you want but it is true. Rush is the MainStream Medias number one enemy. And they talk about him all the time. Break free from the MSM and you may learn something of value.|||Because most rednecks dont own tv sets or have the internet, so the radio is the best way to communicate with the majority of the people within their party.

They like to have the radio with them on the lawn as they are building their crosses to light.

It keeps them busy.

A rednecks work is never done.|||I feel dumb responding to such a stupid question. But, "Who is ourallegedd leader today?"

IS it Hannity, Ingraham, Limbaugh or Savage?

Everyday its different according to which lib-tard is yapping his blow hole.

Question for you, Why do Democrats pass a pseudo stimulus package that does nothing for the economy and pays back political connections how have help forward the liberal agenda?

Like Acorn, ACLU and Global B.S. for your buddy Al Gore?|||The Republican Party is so bankrupt of ideas since all of their policies have failed that they have resorted to following the lead of an entertainer, as Rush has described himself.

As a propagandist, Rush is very effective and the Republicans rely heavily on propaganda to garner support.|||Because no one else in the party is electable in a general election or shows any type of leadership qualities.

By default Rush becomes the leader because he reaches the biggest group of people and talks the party line the most.

And thats good for the dems... welcome to the Whig party of the 21st century... sorry repubs|||Due to a perceived void, Limbaugh appointed himself.

This is bad news for the Republicans and further polarizes them. They would do well to jettison such self-seekers as Rush and Palin. Rush is a hypocrite- his muddy past speaks for himself.

Kinda like Tim Foley or Ted Haggard preaching about sexual morality or Demo Rod Blagojevich teaching ethics.|||I assume you are talking about Limbaugh.

He will tell you he is an entertainer first, talk show host second.

He wants to try talk about politics in an interesting manner.

If he was Democrat, would you have such a problem with him?|||Why are effeminate liberals so afraid of him? Seriously, aren't YOU the party that supports "freedom of speech", or does that only apply to YOUR speech?|||Good question - I asked a simular question last night and Y/A wouldn't post it, and the second time they deleted it.

The answer is, because they have a leadership void and Rush is moving in. Good luck with that Republicans.|||Because many people want to hear conservatism championed and the Republican party has too many spineless moderates in it at the moment.

He is the leader by default.|||When the president's sole job qualification is a "community organizer" any job requirements for any position kind of go out the window..|||You don't see anyone else besides "really tan guy" speaking for their side? The RNC is in the process of electing a chairman, three tries so far and no banana, literally.|||Because the sheeple need somebody to think for them. They picked a college dropout, Rush Limbaugh, as their leader.|||Rush Limbaugh is a conservative. I don't think he refers to himself as a Republican too much.|||Well, so far it seems the House is in lockstep with Rush's orders to vote No to everything Obama proposes.|||He accurately represents EVERYTHING they stand for|||He's not the leader His Is a voice In the party but by no means the leader.|||Boy you watch to much MSNBC sounds like to me ,or one of the few that do watch MSNBC as there ratings drop faster than leg Chill-in rug burn Matthews in front of Obama.|||They specialize in propaganda: nationalist, religious, anti-intellectual, sexist. You name it. They have a style to fit any budget.|||Cause there no jobs and a recession that is the only job they can find seens obama toke over the white house.|||the same reason pelosi is the liberal leader|||Rush isn't the leader. He's just a talk show host with an opinion. One man behind a mic can't run the whole party.|||They got nobody else.|||He's not...he's a Conservative who has a radio show.

Do you just regurgitate everything Olberman says???|||If only you had the ability to think for yourself. Imagine how bright your future would be.|||Why are liberals so stupid that they don't understand individuality?

Liberals have been walking in lockstep for so long, and thinking with the same brain, that they don't understand the way free people think.

Republicans have many leaders, and conservatives have many contributors, all with their own points of view and no sense that they MUST agree or die.|||He's not. Dont believe everything Keith Olberman tells you....he's just jealous.|||It's not, but he sure scares the be-jeebus out of your leader.|||He's not. Leftists came up with that because they're afraid of Rush.|||He's not.

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