Thursday, November 24, 2011

When Tea Party leader Sarah Palin said that Paul Revere warned the British about the approaching British?

why do Conservatives back her - all the while doing research on US History to find a loop-hole that would get her off the hook.

when grade school children already know the truth about Paul Revere.

.|||LMAO at the libs,....your damn messiah has visited 57 states Look up the definition of hypocrisy sport!!!!|||Since you don't have the wit to grasp what she said, it's amusing that you think she was the idiot.

Palin was talking about AFTER his ride, after he's been captured by the British, that's when he warned the British. It was an obscure point, but it was essentially correct.

You leftists are so fixated on the myth that she is stupid, you make yourselves look less intelligent than you claim her to be.


Here's what she was talking about (fromWiki)

"Revere was captured and questioned by the British soldiers at gunpoint. He told them of the army's movement from Boston, and that British army troops would be in some danger if they approached Lexington, because of the large number of hostile militia gathered there. He and other captives taken by the patrol were still escorted east toward Lexington, until about a half mile from Lexington they heard a gunshot. The British major demanded Revere explain the gunfire, and Revere replied it was a signal to "alarm the country".

That's the warning to the British she was referencing. It appears she's much more knowledgeable than you.|||The same reason liberals back Obama who claimed he had been to 57 states.

The same reason Liberal attacked Joe the "plumber's" private life instead of asking what Obama meant by "Share the wealth".

The reason SOME conservatives back her is because she speaks to them not down at them and has actually served in public office longer than our current leader..

She has actually written paychecks for employees and ran a government before being asked to run for VP.

As if this is her only gaff! And all the right can ever come up with is the 57 states thing. Not like he got the whole concept wrong which she has done many times. And have you ever seen the deer in the headlights look from Obama like scared Sarah does all the time? Give it a rest already. She was just a tool picked for McCain without his approval so he could loose the election and dump all the problems and blame on the black president.

For WhoYeah:

Maybe she should have had a beer summit after she misspoke? Isn't that what the "non-racist" do after they speak without having all the information?|||Well first off a lot of what you were told in grade school is not necessarily accurate, a lot more people where involved with the warning of the patriots. Also, at the time the people living in America were still British subjects. Yes they were in revolution but still British subjects, so they were British. However it is still a stupid thing to say and Palin was the worst choice the Republicans could have made for the VP post.|||Well let anyone who has never ever misspoken have a good laugh, that is those who don't have the guts to tell the truth and admit that they too have thought one thing and had something else come out of their mouth, especially with a dozen cameras in their face. Also yes at the time we were still British citizens so even in mistake she wasn't technically wrong.|||As if this is her only gaff! And all the right can ever come up with is the 57 states thing. Not like he got the whole concept wrong which she has done many times. And have you ever seen the deer in the headlights look from Obama like scared Sarah does all the time? Give it a rest already. She was just a tool picked for McCain without his approval so he could loose the election and dump all the problems and blame on the black president.|||that poor woman is under a lot of pressure to look and sound correct for the GOP, and the GOP is like a bunch of school kids on the playground.|||Well technically she was right, we were a British colony.

But how did 0bama get 57 states?

And she is not a Tea Party leader.|||The TEAliban would rather have a Redneck Woman President than a Black President because they are primarily racist.|||Sarah Palin's intelligence is the same as a mouse|||It's sad they defend her when she makes a "silly mistake", but when Obama makes one they attack him. I wonder why.|||She's an idiot|||Ooooohhhh! You really got her! The teleprompter-in-cheif would never flub.|||she's funny :)|||Yes. Paul Revere rang bells and told the British they "wouldn't be takin' our guns away." Brilliant.

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