Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why do we, as Republicans, pretend Rush Limbaugh is not the leader of our party?

Rush, is, will be, and has been the leader of our party for many years. Why do we pretend like this is not the case? He proves to the world the Socialism of the Democratic party and can't see any reason why some fake "moderate" Republicans try to keep him in the shadows. He is a great man, and one of the most altruistic and intelligent Conservative leaders since Reagan.|||I can't figure out if he is all that when he is strung out on Oxycontin or off the stuff?|||I agree that he is a great leader for the Republican party. Republicans don't try to keep him in the shadows though. The real conservatives approve of Rush. I think they just don't want to play into the Democrat game of diversion. The Democrats would love nothing more than to ask Republicans about Rush all day instead of discussing things like....oh....I don't know....the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS being spent.

It's why Obama mentions Rush and Hannity. He's so funny isn't he? He just wants to divert attention and make his little libs all jump around squealing with joy and admiration of Obama's hilarious sense of humor.

I know it will never happen, but what if Rush ran for president someday? He'd have these liberals jumping off of bridges that Obama plans to build. That would be horrible huh?

Added: "Ttown" will be the first. Oh yeah "Ttown"? So what drugs did Obama do? That's right cocaine. That's much better than pain pills right? Your doctor subscribe cocaine to you? You dummy.|||And of course he is also a drug addict, a pervert sex tourist and a profound racist.

Are you really saying that is what Republicans should all aspire to?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||We'll practice trickle down economics and you can give trickle up poverty your best shot.

We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley McClain.

You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us.

I'll bet you ANWAR which one of us will need whose help in 15 years..

Rush is Right.

Vote Republican for our future|||serious return question:

how much overlap is there between conservatives and republicans

i generally vote for the pubes as less objectionable than the dems

but i have very strong differences with the pubes,

and as far as i can tell, limbaugh badmouths the republicans

nearly as badly as i do|||Sorry but the true reason is because all politicians and politics are corrupt or already have sold out to foreign parties and we are puppets in the grand scheme of it so your ''leader'' isn't a leader but a pawn in the game of chess or in our case domination|||He isn't, and doesn't want to be the "leader" of the Republican party. Conservative and Republican aren't the same thing. Their beliefs are similar, but it's not the same party.|||i think it's fantastic that rush has stepped forward to carry the conservative message. mainstream republicans have become too limp wristed. it's time to play hardball with the left! rush is the right guy to lead the charge!!|||Rush is the leader of the conservative movement in America, not the Republican party. Big difference.|||Because he is a former Drug addict . He lied about it also. He has been divorced three times. Also he is a college drop out.|||No, he is much more conservative than republican.

He made an articulate, brilliant %26amp; interesting thing missing from politics on all sides.|||Because he isn't and if you think he is then you are just a RINO or an idiot Dem in disguise. He is just right wing talk radio, not a Policy setter|||We?

Hes not the leader %26amp; you are lying.

Why do some people keep talking about Rush being divorced? Some unresolved childhood issues with their father?|||Yeh, just like Bono and Sean Penn are leaders of the Demonic Party.|||Because he isn't. He has never been elected, nor appointed, to any public office under the Republican banner.|||A radio talk show host the leader of the Republican party? A legend in his own mind.|||Rush is King...|||I agree. He's great.|||Ron Paul is..

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