Saturday, November 19, 2011

What effect would it have on the BJP if Modi were made into party leader?

I was reading that Modi commands the respect of much of the business community due to his focus on economic development and the fact that he has great administrator skills. Even after the Congress party, Communist/secular establishment and the anti-Hindu media tried to brainwash the public that he was responsible for the Gujarat riots, he was elected back into power with a landslide.

So is Modi the one who can rescue the BJP?|||That is exactly what worries the Congress and that is why Modi is maligned regularly by the Congress funded media. The fact that Gujaratis showed better sense and voted Modi again despite all the hate mongering by the Congress through their media makes them extremely uncomfortable.

I would vote for Modi as PM if BJP had the courage to project him as PM. Otherwise i'm thinking Guru Ramdev's party for next election.|||IF modi would come in to BJP the immediate side effect would be JD(U) exit from NDA , BJP at best could have an ally in the form of akali,s ,Shiv Sena,Jayalalita,loosely TDP.........

So with this allies BJP have to win over 200 seats on it,s own and without U.P and Bihar which is very unlikely.........

So Modi can rescue BHP providing it has to do it,s homework well...........But for now ??????|||what brainwashing? people are intelligent enough. they know that media has sold itself to congress and mullahs. who believe them? they lost credibility.

soon, they will be haunting channels which will broadcast ghost reports only.

but, modi can rescue, but I still doubt that they will get majority. because mullahs will vote against him.

its needed to make muslim votes weak first in UP and Bihar. I don't want to say anything about how to do that. you are intelligent enough to know that.

but, he will be a ideal PM when BJP will get majority.|||No doubt about caliber of Mr.Modi ,just wait and watch.Every thing will be manage by wining party,what ever 3ed Umpire said here.Nitish is intelligent he knows how to manage it.BJP must work hard unitedly without any personal ambitions,if party will be in power than every one have a status otherwise people will make a joke on their personal conflicts.|||First save your ex leader, Then think about new leader

Eye witness of rank IG.|||Neither Modi nor Gobi can save BJP .We need a better opposition ,BJP is unfit to sit in the parliament.While you were reading from a stupid site that Modi commands the respect of the business community the entire world concluded that Modi is a puppet in the hands of some sections of business community.

Media that is trying to expose true face of Modi for saving Indians is not anti-Hindu ,it is Pro-India.|||accha so congress and media are anti-hindu?

it is the rss and modi which involve in riots..where you kill people,slaughterchildren and rape women...that is the most unhindu thing i hindu could do that...and these organisations do it in the name of they defame hinduism which is one of the greatest relegions on if rss and dals and senass indulge in un-hindu activities and their political front is the bjp...the bjp is anti-hindu...not the congress...

and we all know why he was elected back to power...even muslims voted bjp because the bajrang dal would slaughter them if modi lost..he will not be elected back to power again as even gujaratis have begun to see that modi has not inherited any buisness sense whatsoever...he has brought only the nano to gujarat in past five years...where each nano costs gujarat 60000inr...his vibrant gujarat summits are a collosal dud with none of the industries actually setting up plants...his initiaitves in social welfare schemes seem to be missing on the ground....gujarat was a golden state earlier with all indiustries and sme's and textile housing themselves 2007 60000 sme's shut shop in gujarat..textile industry is no-where to be industrial growth is stagnating...gujarat which grew at 15% once has not stooped to 12%,11% growth...

i'm no economist...but i can wrap my head around some numbers..and by whatever i can understand..modi has been the worst thing to happen to gujarat....all your pretty infrastructure is missing in colonies where minorities live and in the villages...ahmedaba alone has one of the dirtiest slums i have seen...with children doing this what you call growth?...its time you gujaratis came out of your hallucinations and looked around you.

modi will never leave gujarat..there is too much money in the cm's chair..and the moment he does his misdeeds will be put in public domain...if modi does come onto the national stage he will be royally defeated...incase you havent notices..the rest of india doesnt like modi...everywhere he campaign the bjp flops and he isnt even welcome in can we have a pm who in not welcome in one of indias states?|||Let him lead BJP in 2014 elections, let BJP project him as PM candidate in 2014 elections, if they can dare to. I am waiting for that foolishness. That will be the last nail in the coffin of BJP.|||Why should a party like BJP be rescued in the first place. We are lucky to have got rid of this party because everyone is a 'kalaakaar' (a ham) in this party. Let the country be ruled and governed by serious and intelligent politics.

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