Thursday, November 24, 2011

The former Communist Party Leader in Palestine has endorsed Obama. What could they possibly have in common?

Could someone please explain this disturbing endorsement to me. It's just so confusing. I want to understand.|||Obama + Sores = Socialist

Obama +Europe = Socialism

Obama + MLK =Communism

Lesson is over do you understand|||If it were one or two "isolated" endorsements, that's one thing.

But add in ALL the other disreputable intimate friends and Obamas unknown past and there is valid reason for concern.

Why Obamabots can't see this guy is "bad" news I will never understand.

And McCain is not endorsed by the KKK because they are an impotent and almost forgotten legacy of history. Today they are "skinheads" and "neo-Nazis", so next time you want to feebly attempt to smear McCain ( because your boy is a loser) get your lies straight.|||Obama has definitely come across on the international scene, as a "weak, sympathetic, inexperienced " candidate who they see has potential to "compromise" with them. That's exactly WHY Israel has NO trust or faith in this person. He's not just a closet socialist, he is a closet Muslim and these endorsements raise the suspicion even more.|||McCain flip flops too much, and he is becoming more and more aligned with the Dick Cheney and Karl Rove policies and I don't think we can afford another reckless President..

Plus as a Christian, McCain does not represent my values, so I'm not going to vote for him..

There are always 3rd party options like Bob Barr|||You need someone to hold your hand and tuck you in at night too?

Anyone can "endorse" whoever they like, it's as easy as opening your mouth and saying "I support X".

Big deal. You know the KKK is backing McCaincient all the way.|||We have never in the history of our country had a candidate for the highest office receive terrorist endorsements like Obama has. It perplexes me that he is still on the ticket at all. How can so many people let it slide by?|||Nothing?

You can't control who endorses you, Ron Paul was endorsed by white supremacists and he's no racist.|||Everybody outside of the US is endorsing Obama. Just look at Germany 200,000 people showed up for him. This is because Obama represents a real foreign policy. Not McCain's war making.|||Hell, that's not even news. The leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas have endorsed him. When terrorist groups endorse a candidate.. what does that say about him?|||Birds of a feather flock together.|||What do they have in common? Do you really need to ask?|||It means we have a good relationship with Jeruselem? He seems to be a good influence on everyone. Is that bad?|||they both hate bush maybe ?|||Why do you not provide a link?

Are we supposed to just take your word?

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