Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Can liberals name one Tea Party leader who has urged Americans to stage a revolution?

Jesse Jackson, late last month, before a mob of government union workers in Wisconsin, said, "It's time for a revolution."|||cross-hair palin..Who's Jesse Jackson..That texas dude, that wants to start his own country of Texas.|||@Wait a min

*Yep* you surprised me! I didn't think you were going to vote a best answer regarding "In America who suffers more from hate crimes , Jews or Muslims?"

I stand pleasantly corrected.

Oh, thank you for voting my answer as best. That was a double surprise you got me on that one too!

Cheers!|||A revolution to get lemons like him out of government.|||Sam Adams in 1773 the Boston Tea party. Now THAT was a revolution!|||Great question. I feel liberal squirming going on.

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