Thursday, November 24, 2011

Do you agree with Tea Party leader David Lewis that John Boehner is a Socialist?鈥?/a>

According to one of the Tea Party leaders, John Boehner is a "Socialist."

It seems to a right-wing Teabagger, anyone to the left of Adolf Hitler is a Socialist Liberal.|||Public schools, medicare, parks, public universities, public roads, fire departments, and so forth are all examples of socialism. After all, these are examples of the government providing goods and services directly to the people when those same goods and services could be provided by the private enterprise.

Conservatives don't actually have a clue what the words "Socialism" and "socialism" actually mean. It's a word that have negative emotional connotations. Like most conservative arguments, using this word is an appeal to fears and other primitive emotions rather than logic and reasoning. Of course, a recent study showed conservatives have a much larger section of the brain dealing with fear and a smaller section of the brain dealing with logic and reasoning (1) , so it should come as no surprise that they would constantly use the word "socialism" without having a clue what it actually means.

And yes I DO agree that John Boehner is a socialist. After all he does favor the existence of public schools, fire departments, and other forms of socialism.|||Agree, why not? If the conservatives and GOP can loosely label the liberals with that, why would the Fox News host be so uncomfortable when the same label is used on one of their own. Imagine anyone using the label on Obama on Fox News and the Fox News host would not only agree with the label without a second thought but would have invented more lies to substantiate it.

However, wasn't it hilarious to see the discomfiture when Boehner is being called a socialist?|||Tea party are extremists. Anything in extreme is bad including Tea and Parties.|||Boehner may not be a Socialist but he is a big government loving moron.|||I'd guess that about 60% of americans couldn't even define socialism.|||i don't agree with anything an insane person says.|||I heard they also eat their young.|||well sure he spends like one|||I wouldn't say socialist. I personally don't like him, though. Also, don't you think it's a little immature to say "teabagger?" But you're probably not any older than 14, so I'll let it slide.|||Yes,

I agree

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