Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why do the Republicans feel that they need Sarah Palin to be the leader of the Republican party?

The broad doesn't have any clue as to what she is talking about in regards to politics. Are you kidding me????? If she's going to be the leader of the republican party in 2012 then I have a good shot at winning a seat in the House of Representatives then.|||Because there repubplicians.. why doesnt that suprise you..|||Nice grammar and spelling. Best answer....eyebrow raised...

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|||I don't know. I am leaning towards the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal. He has helped Louisiana out of a lot of the problems their state was experiencing. He announced he may run in 2012. He is a young go getter like Obama.

We have moved on, why can't you do the same?|||source?|||A sheer lack of viable alternatives.|||Mostly it is liberals around here I see saying this. Some of us don't feel the need to discuss our party with everyone.

It might occur to you that the derogatory term "broad" was not acceptable when Archie Bunker said it.|||Broad! You make Tony Soprano sound enlightened.|||It's only a small minority of lemmings who feel that way. They are a lost cause. The overwhelming majority in the Republican part can't wait to see the back of her. She's an embarrassment.|||just to piss the democrat!|||Because she is a moral Christian who thinks the Earth is only 600 years old, like most of us conservative Republicans. She shares our values.

All you godless libruls beleeve in all this math, science, and fancy-shmancy book-learnin'. Libruls believe in EVILution.

And she shoots guns, to!

|||They're still in the "we have to become even more conservative" trap. Read an interesting article on how the British Tories reformed themselves and moved to the center -- took several election cycles for them to catch on.|||Nice rant...

But to answer your question...

"Republicans" do not all feel we need Sarah Palin to 'lead us'.

Most of what you THINK you know comes from Sarah Palin herself and not from those that make up a majority of the party.

Did all Dem's want Obama to be president or were you split betwen some wanting Obama and some wanting Hilary?

Don't make generalizations...

Just because you have been trained to parrot the party line doesn't mean that you have ANY idea what you are talking about...

Research BOTH sides before stating an opinion because believe me... Those of us that LIVE to do research will always be there to tell you what is really happening in the world.

Are you still under the delusion that the Economy, the Housing Market, and the Credit Crisis are all George W. Bush's fault?

If so, you haven't been paying attention to your own leftist media because they have been VERY clear that it is the Policy of Bill Clinton... Slick Willy... That have screwed us many years down the road...

The Dem Controlled Congress had a MAJOR hand in this mess as well...

Proof? Evidence?

DAMN... You got me there...


I can back up everything I say... With literature and video from the Left Controlled Media itself...

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Economic Reality always follows Economic Policy by 8-12 years. What we're seeing now is the failure of the Subprime Mortgage Market (AKA Subprime Mortgage Crisis), which was a direct result of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1995 (CRA1995) that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

CRA1995 forced banks to use a point based system to determine the eligibility of applicants for home loans, with the three biggest points values coming from their area of residence, their race, and their income.

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"Credit Default Swaps"鈥?/a>

Steve Kroft examines the complicated financial instruments known as credit default swaps and the central role they are playing in the unfolding economic crisis.

This led to the 1907 Financial Crisis... And was outlawed until 8 years ago... When Congress rescinded the ban.

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The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

(CBS) The world's financial system teetered on the edge again last week, and anyone with more than a passing interest in their shrinking 401(k) knows it's because of a global credit crisis. It began with the collapse of the U.S. housing market and has been magnified worldwide by what Warren Buffet once called "financial weapons of mass destruction."

They are called credit derivatives or credit default swaps, and 60 Minutes did a story on the multi-trillion dollar market three weeks ago. But there's a lot more to tell.

As Steve Kroft reports, essentially they are side bets on the performance of the U.S. mortgage markets and the solvency on some of the biggest financial institutions in the world. It's a form of legalized gambling that allows you to wager on financial outcomes without ever having to actually buy the stocks and bonds and mortgages.

It would have been illegal during most of the 20th century, but eight years ago Congress gave Wall Street an exemption and it has turned out to be a very bad idea.

While Congress and the rest of the country scratched their heads trying to figure out how we got into this mess, 60 Minutes decided to go to Frank Partnoy, a law professor at the University of San Diego, who has written a couple of books on the subject.

Ask to explain what a derivative is, Partnoy says, "A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is based on something else. It's basically a side bet."

Think of it for a moment as a football game. Every week, the New York Giants take the field with hopes of getting back to the Super Bowl. If they do, they will get more money and glory for the team and its owners. They have a direct investment in the game. But the people in the stands may also have a financial stake in the ouctome, in the form of a bet with a friend or a bookie.

"We could call that a derivative. It's a side bet. We don't own the teams. But we have a bet based on the outcome. And a lot of derivatives are bets based on the outcome of games of a sort. Not football games, but games in the markets," Partnoy explains.

Partnoy says the bet was whether interest rates were going to go up or down. "And the new bet that arose over the last several years is a bet based on whether people will default on their mortgages."

And that was the bet that blew up Wall Street. The TNT was the collapse of the housing market and the failure of complicated mortgage securities that the big investment houses created and sold around the world.

But the rocket fuel was the trillions of dollars in side bets on those mortgage securities, called "credit default swaps." They were essentially private insurance contracts that paid off if the investment went bad, but you didn't have to actually own the investment to collect on the insurance.

"If I thought certain mortgage securities were gonna fail, I could go out and buy insurance on them without actually owning them?" Kroft asks Eric Dinallo, the insurance superintendent for the state of New York.

"Yeah," Dinallo says. "The irony is, though, you're not really buying insurance at that point. You're just placing the bet."

Dinallo says credit default swaps were totally unregulated and that the big banks and investment houses that sold them didn't have to set aside any money to cover their potential losses and pay off their bets.

"As the market began to seize up and as the market for the underlying obligations began to perform poorly, everybody wanted to get paid, had a right to get paid on those credit default swaps. And there was no 'there' there. There was no money behind the commitments. And people came up short. And so that's to a large extent what happened to Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, and the holding company of AIG," he explains.

In other words, three of the nation's largest financial institutions had made more bad bets than they could afford to pay off. Bear Stearns was sold to J.P. Morgan for pennies on the dollar, Lehman Brothers was allowed to go belly up, and AIG, considered too big to let fail, is on life support to thanks to a $123 billion investment by U.S. taxpayers.

"It's legalized gambling. It was illegal gambling. And we made it legal gambling鈥ith absolutely no regulatory controls. Zero, as far as I can tell," Dinallo says.

"I mean it sounds a little like a bookie operation," Kroft comments.

"Yes, and it used to be illegal. It was very illegal 100 years ago," Dinallo says.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *|||Because of AIPAC and Israel?|||Why is it NOW the liberal media, who was so incredibly gracious as not to ask O BAAAA MA any tough questions, is sooo "IN LOVE" with her?

Things to think about....|||She will fade into obscurity. She's not the leader of the Republican party. She's a feeb and everybody knows it.

"Mostly it is liberals around here I see saying this. Some of us don't feel the need to discuss our party with everyone."

I won't be voting for the secret party. Thanks. |||I don't think many Republicans feel that. Go ahead and that shot at a seat in the House. You appear to have what it takes to make a good member of Congress.|||Because they value experience so well LOL...


hypocrites. |||they don't. I think the lib media is pushing her to help destroy the party. I'll support Jindal or Romney in 2012.|||The "broad", huh?

Yet if someone calls Obama a name, they get reported.

But to answer your question, perhaps they feel that she shares their values and ideas. And if she runs is 2012, it could be as a two term Governor, or United States Senator, which is more experience than the President Elect has. |||A recent poll showed that 91% of Republicans like Sarah Palin. It is because she is highly intelligent and an actual conservative. Most Republicans are conservative so it stands to reason that they would like a conservative leader. She sounds a lot like Reagan and he was loved by conservatives. |||just to justify picking her in the first place.|||Wow!! I do not believe in Sarah Palin's views but I will not treat her disrespectfully. (i.e broad). The great thing about this country is that you can believe in whoever you want to. But if she every makes it to President I will move to Alaska to get my government entitlements!!!!|||She's a Conservative with a real record.

You elected a guy with No record whatsoever.

You might not agree with her, but at least you know what you're getting.|||If Sarah Palin is such a bad choice to lead, why are Democrats so afraid of her? I mean the election is over and you guys still cannot stop talking about her. You won, get over it already. The next Presidential election is 4 years away there is no telling who will emerge as the party candidate in that time. Lastly, the next Republican leader is likely to be Michael Steele if he becomes the RNC chair.|||She is a powerful force in their party.|||With that grammar, I'd keep looking for another career path. "The broad" (nice by the way...very respectful) has more a clue than you think. I'm not sure you quite understand what "politics" is yourself.

That being said, she was portrayed, with the help of unkind editing and SNL, as uneducated and stupid. Dig a little deeper than Tina Fey and you may find there is more substance there. You don't build your way up from the bottom to the governor of a state without grit and knowledge. She wasn't born into politics. She fought her away into it, against many obstacles. She didn't ride on her husband's coattails either.

The republicans want the party to go back toward conservatism, fiscally and otherwise. The move toward moderate conservatism hasn't moved them in the right direction and Sarah Palin is just one of many up-and-comers who could help further the cause. She's young, bright, and savvy. She has the energy and the drive to make things happen. She has taken on corruption in her own state and that bodes well that she would do the same on the national level.

Food for thought? Why did she immediately incite such hate from the left before people even knew her? There is a reason they went on the attack to paint her in the light they did.|||I did research into the other republicans %26amp; they all have scandalous things that will come up about their past. McCain had horrible things such as what he did to keep the POWS from coming home. His whole war story is a hoax %26amp; he is on video telling the truth look at the site Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain videos...They have no one except I think Piyesh Jindal but he is not charismatic so he can't beat out a Hillary or Barack...he is also not a white man %26amp; anyone who knows Joe the Plumber off camera knows that ain't goin' to go over to well. So she is the best they got.|||Funny, I've been asking the same question about Obama and the Democrats. Only instead of trying him out to see if he could lead the party, you put the idiot ROOKIE in charge of the Free World.

You do realize this, don't you?|||LOL that just means Republicans are on a down slope. I'll remain Independent!|||Obama has no experience at all in running an Executive office .His is having to show up at roll call and vote or not to vote.And you call Sarah Palin a dumb broad?She has day to day experience running a state government.You can't vote present but not voting while doing that.Obama will be in a really hot seat soon.With nothing to draw from.His goose will be cooked.|||She looks good on TV

... nice hair

... nice smile

... nice figure ...

and then she opens her mouth

... and not much 'nice' comes out!

This is for you ... Ritchwil :

You want one example of what she doesn't know - how about that Africa is a country - that she can see Russia from her kitchen window in Alaska - that it's not a good idea to give your children tacky names, especially 'Bristol' who I hope never goes to visit the UK!|||Care to give us an example of what she doesn't know? Everything you guys have thrown at Gov. Palin so far has turned out to be either fabricated or wrong. In fact, I recall a few weeks back when libs were all over her about her response to an 8 year old about the role of VP which was, in fact, correct in every respect. Liberals made complete fools of themselves over that one.

As to why we would LIKE her...I think 'need' is because she is a true conservative and believes in the concepts of small government, fiscal responsibilty, low taxes and supports national prosperity by promoting rather than reviling business. The current incarnation of the Republican party does not support any of this. They're big government, free spending 'democrat lites' who are pandering to the left because, like democrats, they've learned that they can buy votes with tax payer money. Only problem is, you can't buy conservatives and there aren't enough 'victims' left out there to win your election.

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