Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In Switzerland, Turkish Labour Party leader whose name Perincek is judged by Swiss Court. What do you think ?

Dogu Perincek is a leader of Turkish Labour Party. He said that, 'So-called Armenian Genocide is a lie' . What about freedom of thought ?

Is this Europa ? Why do people wear 'Horse-Glasses' ?|||I m so surprised Tanju Abi!!!

Valla senden duydum ve baktım internetten haberlere:…

(Aslında CNNTÜRK'te pek tekinayak değil de işte kabaca öğrendim olayı)

Enteresan valla, hadi Fransa'da olsa herifler kabul etti sözde soykırım iddialarını ama İsviçre'ye nooluyo anlamadım.

Evet, tabii ki düşünce özgürlüğüne karşı bir davranış bu ama bir ülkelerin soykırımı kabul etmesi de böyle bişey işte. En güzel örnek Almanlar; bir Alman dünyanın hiçbir ülkesinde yahudi soykırımını reddedemez, alırlar içeriye. Çünkü yahudi soykırımını tüm dünya kabul etti ama sözde Ermeni soykırımı henüz sadece Fransa'da, ki devamı gelecektir!!!

Şimdi bizim Nationalist Action Party kara kara düşünüyodur; adamı yurda dönünce omuzlarda taşırlar mı sence??? :)))))


Fazla bi cevap geleceğini sanmıyorum modern dünyadan!!! Aslında doğru kategoridesin ama fazla bakılmıyor buraya, baksalar da kim takar Perinçek'i abi, İsviçre kategorisinde sorsan daha iyi olurdu sanki?|||Europa is talking about that there is no independence of ideas in turkiye [because of 301. law which says a person who insults turkiye or turks, are punished], while they have such kind of laws, even also they get involved about the so-called genocide which is nothing to do with them. So, where is the indepedence of ideas in Europa?

Perincek has gone to Switzerland with many documents which show that there is no genocide and turks have been killed by armenians, too. if someone says there is armenian genocide, s/he has to say there is turkish genocide, too. Even turkish archieves are open and turks doesnt take these claims seriously, many people believe in the genocide so that in their country armenians talk about a so-called genocide so much.

Why those countries accept this nonsense thing by their courts or laws and let historians talk about it?

This is the ignorance of big, modern and improved Europa. Or this is a politic effort against turkiye...

TURKISH LAW CONSTITUTION HAS BEEN MODELLED FROM SWITZERLAND'S, SO WHAT ABOUT THAT ALSO?|||I prefer that saying stupid or malicious things should not be illegal. When ideas can be exchanged freely, the truth will be revealed.

Even so, I see a difference between European laws against holocaust denial, and Turkish laws against insulting Turkishness.

Laws against holocaust denial are intended to reveal the truth of Europe's past crimes, so that they will not be repeated.

Turkiye's laws against "insulting Turkishness" are intended to hide the Turkiye's past crimes, so that justice cannot be done.

Why would you want to hide the crimes of your ancestors? You are not your ancestor, and your ancestor's crimes are not your fault. There are crimes in every country. It is best to be honest about them and try not to repeat them.

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