Thursday, November 24, 2011

How many Republicans want Sarah Palin to be a Leader of the party?

And how many Democrats want her to be a leader in the Republican party?

Besides Me!|||As a liberal, I definitely want someone like that as the leader of the party, who will continue to destroy the GOP's credibility. Palin is just George Bush in lipstick.|||Definitely not me. I hope Ron Paul runs in the next election. My main concern with Palin is that she has a lack of military and general experience. Although, at least she's pro-gun and pro-life, so she'd be better than Obama.|||I'm a Republican, and I definitely hope she becomes a leader in our party! She's smart, and she's got chutzpah! I think she would even make a great President in 2012!|||I would find it hilarious and terrifying. Well, she has 4 years to brush up on remedial geography, maybe she will learn about continents and such before 2012. |||She becomes the leader of the GOP, there won't be another Republican in the White House in this generation...|||beer drinking party|||If she is smart, she will leave the public eye for 2 years and regroup.|||She's not the dummy you want her to be, but I'm not sure about her as a leader.|||not me|||the women should not be anything more than a stay at home mom. i dont understand how she is in politics|||yes, she is brilliant. her ideas are genous. first woman president. yes. i like the sounds of that.

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