Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is Rush Limbaugh the new leader of the republican party?

These days Rush Limbaugh absolutely seems to be the voice of the new right. More than even the person who I thought was the new up and coming leader of the Republican party, Newt Gingrich. Everything Rush says these days seems to be dead on for what the Republican party stands for today. So is he or is he not the De Facto leader of the Republican Party today?|||I find Rush interesting to listen to sometimes but I don't consider him a leader of the Republican party. I see him as a conservative radio talk show host who is getting old enough to retire soon. Rush has never ran for office and has no desire to run.

I think that the Republican party leader should be someone who is in politics. That may seem a bit odd but I want someone who will put their money where their mouth is and actually run for office and then represent Republican values.

I don't know who that is. There are a few who would be good. I'm a bit impressed with my rep right now, John Boehner. I see Jindal and Palin as possible movers and shakers in the party. Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul have let their voices be heard loud and clear.|||if so, they are in big trouble.|||I hope so.

*Sees a world without Republicans and sighs in happiness*|||The band Rush should be the new leader.

"Today's Tom Sawyer mean mean pride". Enuff said.|||He only holds the honorary title of Maha Rushie|||No, The cloned FDR.|||yeah pretty much these days.|||no he isnt.|||Not even close. You watch too much Hardball (a great show). He is simply a guy with a big audience who senators and the like enjoy being on the good side of because he has a large and easily molded audience (he's on the radio one step closer to god than most)|||He is a radio show host. period!|||i dont know but everytime i listen to him i swear the word ni**er is always on the tip of his tonge and one of these days hes gonna slip up|||No. Drop the word new from your question and my answer would be yes.|||Sounds like it. You have elected officals publically apologizing to that big drug addict fatso.|||WOW from self described water-boy to the learder of the party.. I guess the Republicans really are getting desperate!|||It sure seems like he has all the answers for republican party.|||He's a commentator, not a politician.|||That's wild. A hypocritical Junkie 'leader'.|||Rush Limbaugh the "De Facto" leader of the Repubs? I seriously think not. Seriously. ( o _ 0 ) He's the "De Facto" leader of the 2 big Macs, 2 large fries, 2 apple pies, and 1 extra large diet coke association.|||He's their "Messiah" (sound familiar?)|||He uses old brainwashing tactics and the weak fall into his spell, all the while being doped up to the max, probably slobbering all over the microphone.|||(My)God I hope not. .........and I am Republican. I just need to succeed like you do.|||Unless we can find someone with bigger balls that Rush has, he can be my voice for the GOP and conservatism.|||Rush Limbaugh is hurting the Republican party, and that is fine by me. The Republican Party has become a regional party of racist whites, the rich, and the Social Conservatives.

In only seven states do the majority describe themselves as solid Republicans: Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, Nebraska, and Kansas, and Alabama.

The Rush, Hannity, Savage hate spew further marginalizes the party.

But is Rush the leader? It seems so. When a Congressperson apologizes to Rush for what he previously said about him, this is sad.|||Apparently. They have found their Messiah.|||This is all posturing and political grandstanding to bring talk radio into the media spotlight.

0bomber wants his media allies to start doing negative stories about Talk Radio

Limbaugh was singled out because he is the most well known Talk Radio host

Limbaugh is also the person the Liberal MSM can easily dig up dirt on

The "Fairness Doctrine " is coming and

Welcome to the beginning of Totalitarian America

The House Rhinos will have their tails between their legs

McCain will kiss 0Bomber's butt on every issue

Polosi and Reid will bring it to 0bomber

0bomber will sign it

Kiss talk radio good by

This is the home base of conservative political shows and christian gospel programs.

2 things that liberals do not want to hear about|||probably, i can't stand him though, i prefer michael savage.

EDIT: candide, without conservatives you WON'T SEE A WORLD AT ALL.

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