Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it political hypocrisy when a politician is made to resign because his opinions embarrass his party leader?

I am thinking about the recent resignation of a Midlands MP who stated that he thought Enoch Powell was correct when he forecast that uncontrolled immigration would change the UK irrevocably, and who was subsequently hounded out of office with the Labour Party calling for his sacking as his comments were unacceptable. Is this really punishing a racist or is it a vote catching at the expense of healthy debate?|||This man was not an MP - it just shows how much understanding some of you have of the news.

Nigel Hastilow was prospective parliamentary candidate for Halesowen and Rowley Regis, not "a Midlands MP".

If his remarks are an embarrassment to the Conservative Party and its leader, why should they allow him to stand as a candidate for them?

If his views are at odds with the party he was supposed to be representing, he should stand as an independent and test whether he has the support of the public.

This matter was nothing to do with the Labour Party and they should have minded their own business.

Hastlow was not "hounded out of office", because he holds no office. But there's little doubt that the Conservative Party thought that he had done them electoral harm!|||The second one.

Shame isn't...guess free speech isn't one of HIS rights...he disagreed with the wrong crowd...shame.|||I would think it's hypocrisy, yes...It seems like one would enter politics in an attempt to propose a different perspective. A logical way to get rid of one with odd views would be to stand against them in an election, right? If the voters don't like it then they will have the final say, as they should. Party leaders who muzzle their MP's/office holders are limiting the debate and preventing free expression in the democratic process. Cheers!|||It is interesting and also telling of your Labour party's beliefs since that MP was actually right about how uncontrolled immigration is effecting the UK|||Surely it is David Cameron who is the embarrassment. The truth is the truth however politicians try to spin it. Similarly free speech is a right; racialist slurs have become almost a badge of honour.|||He was prepared to speak his mind - it seems that freedom of speech is now not allowed in the UK.

He should have stood his ground and fought the idiots, he gave up to easily, that is the problem with society these days. They cower down to the PC basterds and let them have their own way.|||I can't believe that finally a politician says what we are all thinking and now they have thrown out the only person who had the guts to say it!

Well done conservatives lost a few votes for doing that haven't you!|||I am not fully aware of the this MP who has resigned for speaking his mind I understand from the answers posted that, he was conservative and quoted the %26lt;Enoch Powell speech%26gt; of many years ago, if this man is / was a conservative politician and he was made to resign for that reference, which is more believed today by vast numbers of our fellow Brits, then, as a conservative Guess what David, you have lost another. I resign|||a typical knee jerk reaction from a week little public school boy with no bottle and no sence of loyalty to he's party members, or!!! he's people. would you choose this week knee'd fool to run your country? the EU would use this idiot as a puppet to walk all over the rights and the interests of the British people. theres an old saying SO!! true. if you cant stand your ground then 'for the good of the men' get bellow.|||This is a prime example of everything that is wrong with this country.

As soon as someone mentions a bit of truth (in his opinion) the 'touchy touchy' brigade hound them away.

The Midlands MP hasn't done anything wrong and should stand tall and make a mark for free speech.|||He is just telling the truth as all the indigenous people of this country know. We used to be proud of our free speech , this is now against the law. Whites are now secondary citizens it seems. At a school near me, the white Christian children are taught about Christianity %26amp; the muslim children can leave the room .A good idea I think.. However, when the muslim religion is being taught, the white children are not allowed to do the same. I would not want my children being taught the muslim faith.If they want it, bloody go back from where they originate. They are here by consent not by descent!! Its no wonder any thinking person wants rid of these people. Enoch was so right !!|||Was he elected or a candidate? He could stand as an independent and then his views wouldn't conflict with the party line.

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