Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Method used for labour party to elect its leader?

what is the method used for labour party to elect its leader? explain briefly.|||The votes system is a form of alternative vote.

Labour party members and affiliated trade union members all vote and rank the candidates in order of preference.

After the votes are all counted if one candidate has 50%+1 of all the votes s/he is elected. If not the one with the fewest votes is eliminated and these votes are reallocated according to the second preference. This continues with the third, fourth preference etc until one candidate has 50%+1 of the votes.|||I think they use the alternative vote combined with an electoral college.

Basically, candidates are ranked in order of preference and if one gets an outright majority they're elected. If not, then the bottom candidate is eliminated and their votes redistributed according to second preferences - this continues until someone gets an outright majority.

This is combined with an electoral college; one third of the votes go to Labour MPs and MEPs, another third to Labour Party members and the other third to members of affiliated trade unions.|||Mike is right.

Just to clarify, an outright majority = 50% +1 votes.|||AV

same for the conservatives and lib dems|||straws,lucky dip or eeny meeny mimy mo?

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