Saturday, November 19, 2011

I agree with Tea Party leader of Freedomworks that the Rich should get reduced Social security do you?

Finally a Tea Party person I agree with. He stated on Chris Matthews that a limit on the upper income levels was necessary, in other words "means testing". I absolutely agree. Harry Reid said Social Security is not at all in a crisis but if it were a "means test" would be a great way to reduce the problem, the crisis comes in 30 years, right now can we fix it if we have more Tea Party's who have progressive thoughts on this issue like the president of freedomworks?|||A means test is one of many good ideas that the Teas Party have had...but like the other person said, the Republicans will block them. He's probably regretting every word he said already as the Wing Nut Panels will surely go after him personally like they do with anyone they don't agree with. Maybe t hey will place a target over him?|||If I can be frank… (saying in a deep voice) I think they, like the rest of us should be 100% refunded every penny we’ve paid in - before it goes bankrupt. I’m sick %26amp; tired of paying into a system that has been raped and pilfered by not only a corrupt government, but by people “too fat to work” and other people who are sucking from a system that I’ve been paying into for over 35 years, that have never paid a dime toward that same system!

I don’t care what they do with Social Security, as long as I get back what I’ve paid into it - hell, I don’t even care about interest on that money - just give me what I’ve paid in for the last 35+ years and I’ll figure out what to do with it.

I'm guessing that most "Tea Party Members" would agree... so yeah, I would then agree with them (on that).|||The rich aren't generally too concerned about social security benefits anyway because well, they are rich. My retirement is planned on not depending on social security because it has been pillaged by liberals for years.|||If you think the Tea Baggers will actually do what is the logical thing like that guy said, you are sorely out of touch with the facts. Republicans will not let them.|||Score one for the Tea Party on this issue. Now if they only do what they say they will?? Thats another issue altogether. Republican neocons do not want to make it better they want failure.|||Its their money weather we like it or not.They paid into the system and just taking it from them(or deny it to them) is the same as stealing it.It would be better if they just willingly gave it up.|||they have had a cap on it since it was started

a couple of years ago it was 110,000

that means every single dollar you made over that was ss tax free

enough of a tax cut for me|||I go liberal on most issues but I don't agree that the rich should be punished for their success. This includes higher taxes or lower social security.

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