Saturday, November 19, 2011

Are there any communist state leader or communist party leader, who was replaced by elections?

are there any communist leader in general who was replaced by an election (inter-party or countrywide election) ?

furthermore i would like to ask if there are any communist leaders in world who were replaced before death, sickness or whatsoever, willingly?|||Within the Communist Parties themselves the leader is elected at national conferences or state conferences, as are the members of the executive.

On the state or national governmental (parliamentary) level I am unsure. Certainly in Cambodia Hun Sen, the current Prime Minister of Cambodia, is elected as a member of parliament at general elections (1993. 1998, 2003, 2008) and as the leader of the leading political party in Cambodia has been made Prime Minister. (Hun Sen is ex khmer rouge who left and went over to Vietnam in early 1978 prior to the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in December 1978). Prior to Hun Sen being the leader within Cambodia the leader was Heng Samrin, another ex-khmer rouge. He was the leader of the Cambodian Peoples Party (a communist party but not as radical as the Khmer Rouge). He was elected at a party conference in 1978 but was never elected as Prime Minister in a national election at any time post-1979 although he was Prime Minister from January 1979 until mid 1990.|||As mentioned, Communist governments in Eastern Europe were generally replaced by elected democracies (with varying amounts of electoral legitimacy) and also during Communist periods, leaders were occasionally sacked.. a concrete example of this that I can think of was Nikita Kruschev.. he eventually grew unpopular in the USSR and was replaced through a vote of the other Communist leadership|||That's the thing - once you give a regime both economic and military power, they have little incentive to let go of it...|||Yes, the ex Soviet satellites had puppet would be an example of such. Once the Soviet Union fell, the money supply for the puppet governments lost their authoritative control and were voted out|||once the eastern block fell, a few nations had peaceful revolts and election in which they voted in new governments.

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