Saturday, November 19, 2011

What prominent Democratic national party leader was implicated in a gay prostitution ring?

And how did he explain his way out of trouble?

Are you surprised he still leads the party?|||Haggard? Oh no no he was Republican... umm Senator Larry Craig? No no not him, he was Republican too... ermmm... Mark Foley" Oh no, Republican again... hmm I give up|||How many prominent Republicans have been exposed as pervs, as well? Here's the problem: Americans seek an unattainable perfection in their lawmakers. Nobody is perfect, so you wind up electing those who can best fake it. And sexual deviants are EXPERTS at feigning normalcy. Let the pols be HUMAN and you'll find yourself faced with less of these incidents.|||The same guy that said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were good companies, and we shouldn't put more regulations on them.

No, not a republican a democrat. As long as liberals don't believe the housing market has anything to do with the economic crisis, they can continue to believe it was GW's fault.|||The same guy whose gay lover (Herb Moses) was the Director of Fannie Mae!

Bawney Fwank!|||Are you talking about Barney Frankfurter, Dems could care less about honest politicians, If they did there would be no Dems at all.|||It was Barney Frank. His "boyfriend" was running the ring in the basement of Frank's house.|||implicated? No he did it.. look, they've got Teddy "fat bloated" Kennedy.., he killed a girl and walked...|||.

Uh, you?


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