Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why is Mark Williams now denied of ever being a tea party leader?

Ever since that racist letter by leaders, tea party leaders deny him of ever being a part of the "movement." Isn't that all too convenient.

Don't believe me, Google it!!!|||You are missing the point.

He did something that can be considered racist (I do) and he got booted out of the movement quick.|||Because elections are approaching and some Tea Partiers finally figured out they'd better clean up their acts. They're way more than a day late and a dollar short, but good for them anyway, because for whatever reason, better late than never.

Too bad the Republican leadership won't follow suit.

Republican Group Mails Racist Flyers of Obama鈥?/a>

Racism At Sarah Palin Rally in Ohio鈥?/a>

##|||I applaud them for kicking him out. I do not applaud them for denying he was ever a spokesman--he's on the damn website!|||He used his position in the media to promote Tea Parties that is true.|||The only way to deny and cover up your "movement's" racism is to throw one of your own under the bus. They're only fooling themselves and their fellow teabaggers. Anyone with two functioning brain cells can see right through it.|||Did you ever notice in Tea Party rallies on TV how everyone is white and alot of signs are misspelled? That seems odd, dont you think? Sometimes I think the Tea Party are just a bunch of rednecks who fear change and anything with color. Thank goodness it is the independents who are the majority of voters.

I have been to a Tea Party rally. I was uncomfortable and kinda fearful. I felt like I should have brought a white sheet and white hood with holes for my eyes. I mean, there was people there who wanted to go after Obama and physically kick him out of the COUNTRY. Someone even shouted profanities and used the N word alot. I am sorry to say, but some of the members sounded racist to me.

This rally really turned me off towards the Tea Party. I hope Republicans will stop associating themselves with these rejects.|||The Tea Partiers are like all other Republicans. They embrace racism, but distance themselves from any member who get's caught flaunting his/her racism. They want the principles of racism to underpin their policies, but they want those principles to be held discreetly.|||Are you this concerned about the racism demonstrated by the NAACP?

To infer that the Tea Party movement is racist is intellectually dishonest and does nothing except negate your cause.|||The letter was written in bad taste, it wasnt racist

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