Saturday, November 19, 2011

What does the Majority Party Leader do in Congress?

What does the Majority Party Whip do in Congress?

What leadership does the Minority Party have?|||Majority Party Leaders usually are the most vocal of the party. They have the responsibility of picking committee members, develop a rapport with the the Speaker and make sure the party is on the ideological track. Whips makes sure the party members are present during voting on bills.|||"The Senate Republican and Democratic floor leaders are elected by the members of their party in the Senate at the beginning of each Congress. Depending on which party is in power, one serves as majority leader and the other as minority leader. The leaders serve as spokespersons for their parties' positions on issues. The majority leader schedules the daily legislative program and fashions the unanimous consent agreements that govern the time for debate.

The majority leader has the right to be called upon first if several senators are seeking recognition by the presiding officer, which enables him to offer motions or amendments before any other senator."

the link below will give you information on how they work and the functions they are suppose to perform.|||The current one in the Senate seeks out camera's to give his spill on how horrible the troops are and that conservatives are the devil. The current house leader continues to make gay San Fagcisco proud by doing absolutely nothing except visiting terrorist country's and saying how wonderful they are....

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