Saturday, November 19, 2011

Democrats: Does your party leader Barney Frank's sexual preference interfere with his ability to lead?

Your party? Do you think its unfair of people to bring that up?

Why do people keep talking about it anyway?|||No. Barney is just a typical arrogant democrat.

DTG|||No, sexual preference has nothing to do with leadership.|||No more than your sexual preference interferes with your ability to write a question.|||Do you post this question every day or just every other day?|||I don't think that his solicitation of interns and pages has anything to do with his ignorance.|||Why should his sexual preference interfere?|||It only makes it hard to understand what he's saying, it sounds like he still has his boyfriends thing in his mouth when he talks.|||does your party leader rush limbaugh's drug conviction make him any less than what he is?|||At least he admits his sexual preferance. Unlike Neocons, who preach holiness, while living in glass houses. It keeps being brought up by those jealous enough with something to hide.|||It never seemed to slow Bill Clinton down, why would it with Barney.

See, you can have sex BEFORE and AFTER the meetings and press conferences. The only time it becomes an issue it when it's DURING them.

Also, just for giggles, I want to mention the shoe tapper from the Minn airport.|||When Barney is President who will be his first fairy?|||No. Are you a Republican or a Democrat? Who keeps talking about Frank's sexual preferences? Not me. I don't think it matters.|||Anyone's sexual preference has to have influence on the rest of his life and behaviour.

How can it not?

What you see is what you get!

What you are is what you do and give since that is all you got to do and give.

That is like asking if a bank robber would make a good bank president..|||Americas Problem

Everything Perverted %26amp; unnatural

Welcomed with open arms

I live among a bunch of freaks|||Perhaps it because his lover had an executive position at Freddie Mac which Geo Bush and John McCain were trying to regulate and Barney successfully prevented it.|||Barney Frank was sleeping with an exec from Fannie Mae.

No I'm sure it had nothing to do with his actions.

If he were a Republican he would have gone down in flames over this, but not a Democrat.

They PROMOTE this kind of behavior.|||Absolutely not! Barney is the best one to have out front leading, much easier to see over the top of him, cause he's always bent over.

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