Saturday, November 19, 2011

What if a Democratic television commentator or party leader cried on frequent occasions?

How would the right react? Would they refer to them as a sissy and say they were shedding crocodile tears?|||Pelosi got choked up one time and the ridiculed her endlessly for years.

Once again, I guess IOKIYAR (It's OK if you're a Republican)|||Boehner is a weepy orange tool. That would be my conservative opinion.

Similarly Larry Craig was a toe tapping closet homo, John McCain was a fossilized robot, and Dick Cheney is Satan himself.

So what else do you have? Would you like me to start in the likes of hawg chugging Barney and the gang?

EDIT: Glen Beck is a nobody infotainer and doesn't amount to sh*t.|||They'd be all over them and say all liberals are poosies.

But they always say that anyhow.|||I would never respect or take any man seriously who cries the way Beck or Boehner do. It is just pathetic and it says a lot about our country that it seems to becoming socially acceptable.|||They'd never show it since the media is controlled by hard lefties.|||Well it would certainly fulfill the stereotype

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