Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who do you think would be a good labour party leader but importantly why?

I think this i an opportunity for Labour to take, stock, get a charismatic strong leader who believes in labours ethos for working (and some middle class who do not believe "I am all right Jack") people and to strive for a win come the next election which surely can not be that far off.|||Sorry, but "charismatic, strong leaders" only screw the working class. You are still thinking in C19th terms. Why do we need a class of professional politicians?

In the C21st we have the technology to totally transform the political and economic system and for the first time build a truly democratic society based on mutual aid where the people govern themselves. For the first time "Government by the people, for the people" is now a real possibility and not just political rhetoric.

The events of the opening decade of the C21st have shown us that the economic system needs to be changed, the political system needs to be totally transformed and socially Britain needs a makeover so ability and need are given priority not the artificial wants of the privileged few. On a global level wars and rumours of war have become normal. Is this really the kind of society our children and grandchildren will have to endure for the rest of the century?|||Ermm, i`m struggling to think of one.

Labours ethos for working?? Haven`t they presided over the biggest rise in the benefits/single parent culture. But, then that gets them votes, in certain areas.

What about the working class people, who earn average wages, support their own families and ask for nothing.

Who looks after them?

Sorry, not interested in blaming the Tories for everything. That is an easy attack for too many of you on here.|||Dennis Skinner, the Beast of Bolsover, he's held the constituency since 1970! He's old style labour, one of nine children, passed the 11th plus a year early! Spent quite a few years working down the mines before getting himself a decent further education at Oxford University and then going hell for leather into politics via the trade unions. I have very seldom agreed with his policies but have respected his right to express his opinions - he is a very genuine man. On occassion i have been bent double with laughter when he's been thrown out of the House of Commons for infringing rules, archaic rules which he has challenged and lost ground to - if you are in there then you should respect whatever the ground rules are or walk away. He was also very rude about 'Black Rod' quite a few times but really he shouldn't be there if he can't accept the traditions of what used to make this country great. At the end of the day though, if you were to cut out his heart and cut it open, like a stick of rock it would say LABOUR right the way through - how many of this glamour puss rubbish Blairite crony co. would pass that test?|||Ed Miliband who was of the few who did not fiddle his expenses and has the ability to lead and is the right age- Alan Johnson - knows what a job is prior to Cabinet but maybe not the right age not sure which out of the two but both should stand for new leader election.

But this should have been done a while ago before this General Election, they had their chance to choose a new leader but they went with Brown and he has led them into the wilderness.

From a distance there is some good talent in all the parties and also some rubbish - needs new faces and new thinking.|||Alan Johnson would be a good leader. He's always calm and always talks a good, considered talk. However, he won't get selected, though I expect he'd stand, because he isn't young and pretty enough. So it'll be David (I don't think Ed will run) Milliband.|||There isn鈥檛 one and the labour party of old with its ethos for decency doesn鈥檛 exist anymore.

New labour is corrupt and fully responsible for the very dangerous state this country is in.|||Alan Johnson, without a doubt. He talks sense whenever I see him on TV. He's been a very good Home Secretary after the disasters of Charles Clarke and Jacqui Smith. Forget that smarmy get David Miliband, Alan Johnson is someone you can trust.|||"A good labour party leader" is an oxymoron.|||Anyone with more than one brain-cell would be outstanding in the Labour Party.|||A trained chimp would be preferable to Brown and would go down better with the voters, so Millichimp has it.|||basically given the current labour party, i cannot see any one person coming forward as a good labour party leader|||David milliband

he has youth and charisma on his side|||It would have to be somebody with some clout and balls

I'll get back to you if I am able to think of anyone|||Me because I don't lie or cheat or steal and I answer questions honestly.

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