Saturday, November 19, 2011

Would people be suspicious about a 15yr old political party leader?

Would people be suspicious about a 15yr old political party leader? |||I think a 15 yr old in charge of a political party and potentially becoming PM would be a bit of a joke, quite honestly. It would be three years before they could even vote!

I was 15 once (honest!) and I remember I thought I had all the answers. It turned out that I didn't, and if anything I know less now than I ever did.

I can also tell you from experience that before you actually become a member of any kind of government (local or national) it is easy to think that you would be able to sort everything out if only you could get into power. I thought the same before I became a local councillor. Once you actually get into power you realise that things are not very straight-forward and there are a lot of obstacles that you cannot just ignore. There are reasons that some things are the way they are, and there's not much anyone can do about them.

By all means get involved in politics - most political parties have youth sections - and lay the foundations for a future career. Or start your own political action group at school or college. But save the leadership of political parties until you are at least able to have a legal beer after meetings!|||I would say so!!!!|||if the political group is 9yr olds, NO. no suspicion at all.dah|||I wouldn't say suspicious. They simply would not take that person or his or her party seriously.|||William Pit the Younger was 24 when he became Prime Minister, you are only 9 years off.|||William Hague, a former leader of the Conservative party, got a lot of stick when he was leader for his political activism years previously when he was 14.

Successful politicians are generally people who people relate to and empathise with. There aren't many people who remember dreaming about a political career when they were in their teens - so have a hard time relating to people that do.

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