Saturday, November 19, 2011

A president is elected every 4 years, before he may be a party leader, how a president learn to run a country?

I have this question for a long time

A president is elected every 4 years, before he may be a party leader or a state governor, so in fact how does a president lknow how to run a country? how he knows the national benefits and national strategy and national secrets? and from that he decide his policy and decison towards crisis?

or that a president is only a representative and in fact people in the government is always the background planner?

i mean for national interest there are so much aspect and often in secret, and that president candidate couldn't have known them before he really become an president.....

Appreciate if anyone provide some insights into this problem about election system and national leadership.|||Jon Stewart for President 08'|||Personally, I don't think anyone can be truly prepared to be President, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. If the alternative is to have the President groomed from a select pool of professional Washington insiders, that could lead all too easily to the creation of an elite American ruling class.

Cynics might say that exists right now, but consider this: Four of the last five Presidents have been Washington "outsiders." In their times, Carter, Reagan, Clinton even GWB rose from beyond the capital boundaries and rode into Washington on the hopes of changing the "establishment."

If we created a set course of qualifications for the Presidency, would it mean more qualified Presidents? Possibly. Could it also mean a much smaller pool of prospects, all of whom Washington "lifers" whose only background is politics? Probably.

It may seem overly idealistic, but the President is not the ultimate power in the State. He is only the executive overseer of an active and integrated republic that includes the People (in the form of the Legislature) and the Law (in the form of the Supreme Court). The inner workings may get heated and dramatic at times, but all the shouting proves that the system designed long ago is still working.

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