Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do you kick a player from a xbox live party, even though you are not the party leader?

these kids keep on kicking me from the cod game and i want to know how to pay them back by kicking them from the party. one of the nice kids is the party leader and he wont kick anybody but the kids that are jerks i really want to kick, please hurry with the answer. i know you can do it i just dont know how.|||You can't kick someone from an xbox live party unless you are the party leader. Just create your own party, invite the annoying kids, and then boot them! :)|||You cannot do this unless you're the party leader. Either ask the leader to kick him or find a different group of people to play with that don't act that way.|||i feel your pain. you can't. just ask the party leader to do it in a message or join a new party. nothing else you can do, sorry.|||wow that has never happened to me be 4

i know u cant boot people wit out being party leader

maybe the party leader isnt so nice after all?|||You Cant....Sorry.....Maybe In The Future There Will Be A Vote Option...

Wow that was a quick response...only two minutes from when you answered|||have to be the leader

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