Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who is the leader for the Republican Party?

It's hard to pin down who is actually the leader and spokesperson for the Republicans. Is the Chairman of the Republican Party the leader? Sarah Palin? Glen Beck? Rush LImbaugh? Boehner? Newt?|||To be honest NOBODY is leading or speaking for the Repubs right now. This from a life long conservative.

Steele is too gaffe prone to be embraced as a leader.

Rush is too Blunt.

Beck is a Libertarian for God's sake.

Palin might have questionable ties to independents and be too much of a maverick to have any chance of winning a higher office than she has already served.

Boehner made great strides in bringing the Tea Party, establishment Repubs, and conservatives together and arbitrating disputes while they were creating "the Pledge." However, I like many others do not believe it went far enough or distanced Repubs from the dem agenda enough for it to carry over to the next cycle especially if we are not successful in overturning BOTH dem majorities.

We have two years after November 2 for a leader to emerge and quite frankly, NONE of the names mentioned or not mentioned that have been in the political spot light recently fit the bill. Newt will not commit and likely has too much baggage in his personal life and might not be willing to be persecuted and smeared during an entire election cycle. Romney? Who knows if he will even be viable or relevant in two years. Pawlenty (sp)? It seems rather foolish to me to abandon a governors chair that he could easily have won and step away from that kind of exposure unless he is forming a PAC or plans to start fundraising for a pres run NOW. Which brings me back to Palin. I know she had good reasons for resigning. They are well documented. However, it is impossible to convince me that resigning is a crafty or wise political move if you have any further political aspirations that have not yet been indulged.|||Nobody. There is only a leader when there is a Republican president. Democrats keep assigning Rush Limbaugh as leader but he denies being leader and even held a whole show once to denounce himself as a leader he never volunteered to be.

Republicans are one step ahead of Democrats here. In order to accuse Republicans of being sheep, they need to make them out to have a leader. It's funny that they say Republicans are blindly following the leader *they* (the Democrats) appoint!|||Sarah, Glen, Newt, Bill, Sean, Huckabee, and that angry blonde lady...all able leaders of the GOP.

You can tell because they all work for Rupert M, the Australian king of tabloids......

You couldn't make up stuff like this....

Tea anyone?|||Its the same guy who pays the people in the boiler-room to overrun this site with ridiculously conservative opinions. Conservatives account for 20% of the population but account for 75% of the posts here.|||Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Gingrich.

AKA The Axis of Evil

Also included is The Ghost of Ronald Reagan.|||I don't think the Republican party has a definitive leader, and I believe that might be a plus for them in the upcoming mid-term elections.|||Hmm interesting... a black guy is the leader of the Republican party... so much for the democrat's argument about republicans being racist.|||Michael Steele is. Oh no, he's black %26amp; I like him I like Condi Rice %26amp; Thomas Sowell %26amp; many more black people. I am a Tea Partier, so that can't be, right? I must be racist because I can't stand our half black President. Stupid, fake me!|||There is no leader, and that is why the socialists are taking over this country. It's beyond sad.|||Republicans are still trying to figure that out themselves.|||Steele.

Conservative Real Americans I admire Sarah Palin and Rush but I am my own leader.|||The Minority leader of the United states legislature.

This is currently John Boehner of Ohio|||Lucifer.|||What republican party?|||Anyone of those people you have mentioned would make a much better poutus than our present one.|||hitler|||Glen Beck.|||Ronald Reagan....which shows you how pathetic they are...|||Karl Rove|||Steele|||the lord|||Michael Steele- I hear he's black.|||Michael Steele, a black man, OMG!

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