Friday, December 2, 2011

Has Glen Beck overtaken Rush Limbaugh for Republican Party leader?

This is ranking cockroaches.

If so, then they will lose by even bigger margins.

God, I miss legitimate conservatives. Where are the ones who had actual ideas? I mean, these slime are beneath contempt.|||I am just going to point out that Beck at least claims that he is an Independent that commonly votes libertarian or independent and was on CNN bashing the crap out of the leftist Bush Administration before he joined FOX...I am just going to point that out. I don't think that Limbaugh ever wanted to be the leader of the Republicans and I am pretty sure that he doesn't pretend to be. I can't speak for the Republicans, because I am not one, but I would assume that it is a politician that leads that party.

Give his show a chance, Open-Minded, Open-Minders! He is just making points about the crooked administration that is full of commies. If you like it, cool. If not, go back to watch TMZ and Flavor of Love.|||Seeing as Glen Beck is a Libertarian I would have to say no.

Rush Limbaugh has stated time and again he does not want the leadership of the party that he belongs to and last I read and heard it was Micheal Steele that was the Republican Party leader.

As for my self I am an Independent and will stay that way.|||Beck is an independent with libertarian leanings.

Beck often bashed Bush, when he worked at CNN

But I do find it amusing that some liberals don't know the difference between a political pundit and a politician.

For the uninformed: The pundit only opines, but has no ability to legislate change, while the politician has the power to legislate change over the lives of U.S. citizens.|||Uh Oh...Looks like Beck is on the way out now that sponsors are dropping him. Look how many of his former supporters on here are now claiming he is not a republican, but a libertarian.

What a great example of the intellectual dishonesty of the right!!!|||Beck is a Libertarian. I will repeat that so you might remember that it is not the same as a Republican. Beck is a Libertarian.|||NO PALIN is the Queen Bee in the Republican Party...Palin, Limbaugh and Beck...that's sad!

and Beck (regardless what he claims to be) is far from being Independent

oh yeah, I forgot about Michael Steele..LMAO, those guys are hurting badly!|||Mr. Beck is a Libertarian, he has announced it on his radio shows and his TV shows. he leans to the right a little bit and so do I and I'm an Independent|||Glenn is a libertarian and libs have no clue about politics or who stands for what. Rush is a entertainer and Beck works on a talk show and is informing the public of the truth!|||Neither Rush nor Beck are polticians...They are radio/television personalities

No wonder you guys voted for Obama...You can't tell the difference between a celebrity and a political leader

Explains a lot...Thanks|||It appears that many conservatives are giving him credence now. I guess that goes to show us that they actually enjoy the over the top hatred. How proud those types of conservatives must be.|||He is an independent he was not very happy with several Bush policies you must have just started listening to him since President Obama was elected.|||Uhhhhhhhhhh, Well If you put all of these clowns in one room with the RNC leader steele, then It would be a room of retards playing poker in the dark.|||Don't be ridiculous. As long as Limbaugh lives, his ego will never allow anyone to take his place.|||Sure looks like it doesn't it. I guess puffer fish Limbaugh is either taking a break, or recharging his hot breath up for later.|||Did you have something of substance that you wanted to ask?


Hi John! Anymore questions tonight??? LMAO!|||Republicans do not have leaders. The elect representitives and they listen to people that have simialr views.|||From the way all Republican seem to worship and idolize him, I would say yes.|||He is saving the country from liars and communist...He is the only one speaking out...|||If the GOP is looking to talk radio for their next leader then they are really in trouble.|||yes they like his Chalk board he makes Pictures so all Republicans can understand|||Seems that way, I guess the loonier the person the more Repubs worship at their feet.|||He's overtaken Rush in bug nut crazy that's for sure.|||Glenn is a libertarian these days so no.|||Glenn Beck is not even a Republican.

LMAO|||They are both totally nuts so who cares.|||They are just, wake up|||Doubtful Glen Beck is just another mouth piece for the government there is a truth in advertising law... too bad there is no truth in politics law. I have listened to Glen Beck on many occasions and find him to be the equivalent of a double agent, he spouts many things in public to arouse mistrust and foment confusion on behalf of the very people he denigrates. This allows him to help the government weed out undesirable attitudes by his helping them to surface.|||The Libertarian party is going to replace the Republican party.

Ron Paul is going to run as a Republican in 2012 and win.

He's the most conservative politician on the planet.

Theres no doubt hes going to win.|||Sometimes there are just one too many chainsaws鈥?|||I think he's at least tied him as world's biggest gasbag.

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