Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How many aprove of their parties philoshphy but not the leader of their party ?

Liberal Conservative Labour libertarian etc

What ever you may feel you are

Do you have an idea what that party should stand for and is that different than the leader of that party seems to be going in ?

For instance "I am a conservative but I do not aprove of Bush "

"I am a Republican but I do not approve of Clinton/Barack" etc?|||The parties have no clear, understandable philosophy. Try this. Have a strong Democrat describe what his party's phiposophy is, and what he understands the Republican philosophy to be. Then have a strong Republican agree.||||||How about - I don't approve of any politician? They steal my money.|||I am a democrat but do not approve of seditious statements, spreading unfounded rumors, or treating our elected officials as "guilty until proved innocent", nor do I approve of socialism.

I will not state specifics out of respect for those same elected leaders. You should all make up your own minds without some annoying private citizen jumping up and down and pointing at one of our representatives.

I get so tired of people doing that.|||Me! I like conservative philosophy, but I can't claim to be a Bush fan. The man is an incompetent spoiled brat that got into power mostly through name recognition.|||this must be an american issue... just an opinion though .... people think that it is easy to run a country, either as pres. or prime minister. i think too many people don't sit down and evaluate the issues at hand ..instead they jump on the band wagon and follow who ever is leading it because its easy. if people would sit down and really look into matters instead of letting emotions make their decisions for them i think we would be a better off world.. as for leaders of the parties... no comment cause anyone who takes up the courage to lead gains my vote. and i am a conservative.

What do you think David Cameron Conservative Party Leader?

Would you vote for him in the next election?|||I think he is a good leader of the Conservative Party, and will be a much better leader of the country than any Labour MP.

Also, my local conservative MP is very good, so I shall be voting conservative in the next election, as we do not vote for the prime minister directly.|||I certainly won't vote for him or his Party at the next election. He seems to be a bit of a chameleon with just about any policy, saying what he thinks we want to hear, which doesn't convince me he is sincere - just ambitious.

It would be very likely be a catastrophe if he got voted in as he would be manipulated by the real power behind the scenes pulling his strings.

A knee jerk reaction just to get Labour out of office by voting him in could prove a very costly mistake for us all and probably far worse than anything we have already seen.|||Privileged ephemeral fatuous w@nker who has no conception of how difficult life is for the "great unwashed".

I will be voting for the party most likely to defeat candidates fielded by the two conservative parties: New Labour (neo-Conservative) and Conservative (original Consevative).|||I don't see any difference in integrity or values from him to the current government.

I'd no more vote for him than Gordon Brown or Tony Blair...|||if i lived in ireland, australia, GB, or whatever country he is from, yes i would|||DEFFO THE NEXT PRIME MINISTER|||I dont like his environmental gibberish.|||I think he is a bit wishy washy but he's head and shoulder above anyone Labour has to offer.|||I think he is fantastic and I will vote for him to be Prime Minister.

In halo 3 how does it deside whos party leader?

i wanna know so i can become it and play custom games plz only answer no silly comments.|||be the one that invites the silly noobs

What matters more, the morality of an action or the political party of the leader committing the action?

Seems more and more that people are willing to accept almost any act of a president as long as he belongs to their preferred political party.|||Not me, wrong is wrong!!|||the outcome of the action will be there forever. Party favors, not so much.

If this were G W Bush, I'd have the same opinion.

We do not belong in Libya.

The US was truly an Aggressor in this action, I am ashamed of the actions of US Administration.

The UN does not command the United States Military. imo|||To me it would be the morality of the action. I am not affiliated with any political party. But , you are correct. There are many Americans who think that everyone on their 'team' is perfect.|||The morality of the action, however, morality is subjective.

Which party/party leader are you voting for in the Canadian Election?

Conservatives-Stephen Harper

Liberals-Stephane Dion

NDP-Jack Layton

Green Party-Elizebeth May

Bloc Quebecois-Gilles Duccepe

I'm not old enough to vote, but I would vote for the Liberals or the NDP.

|||Don't really know about the Canadian Election but as far as keeping Obama out.....we'll have to see about that. Doesn't seem like it's going to go that way sweetie!!!! |||We don't care. We're more concerned about the American election and keeping Obama out!

If Lords reform goes through, could and might Peter Mandelson stand for leader of the Labour party?

Constitutional reform going through at the moment may allow him to transfer back to the Commons, more ambitious reform bills are suggesting members of both houses being able to go freely from one to the next, which I think is a good practical and efficient idea.

Do you see it as a possibility and in what likelihood, that Peter Mandelson could stand for Leader of the Labour Party?|||I don't really see our current administration really doing much.... they are kinda under the microscope.... not just any either....... an electron microscope.... they aren't gonna pull off anything much........... They realize....... they aren't untouchable like they thought.....

Is the elderly Senator John McCain a leader for the Republican party?

Seems odd to me that a party that wants to win the next election is represented by leaders like Sen McCain, a two time loser of such an advanced age. Since Democrats are bringing in young people I just thought that the Republicans would want to do the same?|||No McCain is a crazy old coot. The party is run by Rush Limbaugh, you know the fat slob from the radio, the one who was arrested for oxycontin and the likes of David Vitter the guy who likes his woman bought and paid for. Also don't forget Sarah "I read them all" Palin. They at least now have their token Black, Michael Steele to lead the RNC and even the weasely Eric Cantor, The Jewish version of Rick Santorum ....they have really come along way. You got Rudy Giuliani fighting for exectutive Bonus's for companies that we bailed out and Mitt "magic underpants" Romney running around trying to get someone top listen to him. Quite the grand ole party aren't they!|||No. He retires in two years|||Yes, for the moderate and liberal republicans.|||I will also point out that McCain struggled to rally his own party, he had to use smoke and mirrors hat-trick Palin to even get the votes he did get.|||NO...he lost.

Sarah Palin leads the "real" Republicans.|||McCain is not a Conservative, He is a RINO, republican in name only.|||you better be glad I don't know where you live or I would beat the living crap out of you|||If you are lucky enough to live that long you will someday be old and I hope the young people treat you like you have nothing left to offer too. You can tell a lot about someone by how they treat the elderly and animals.|||yeah, shows you where their goin'|||Not in my opinion.

On the other hand, I consider Ron Paul to be our best rep. and he is older than McCain. It isn't an age thing, it is an ideas and integrity thing.|||LOL. they did not want him in 08 and he didn't get the message|||His experience is invaluable but we have a lot of young new faces ready to take the Country in the Correct direction, not to Big Govt Socialism.|||They need advice from you? HA! you voted for a know nothing do nothing figure head ... that's how to get the Young vote? Long live MTV? lol they are about to get one hell of an education and they won't be as stupid as these imbeciles who voted for Obama cause he was cool and new, but they were completely oblivious as to what he stood for, or even what it would mean if they knew.|||No I think the Retardican's prefer a pill popping Racist..Rush LIMPaugh...|||Well, MSNBC has declared Sarah Palin the "leader" of the Republican party.. ALL HAIL THE LIBERAL MEDIA!|||Limbaugh/Palin 2012 ! Yaaaaaah!|||he tries and failing - he's becoming more and more like sore looser|||McCain isn't even that old.|||McCain probably didn't want to be president. He just wants a simple life... waking up at 5 and eating applesauce while watching game shows.|||We need a balance of new blood and experience.|||Most republicans sobbed with grief when he was nominated. I was one of them.|||John McCain is very much a leader of the Republican Party in spite of their losing the last election. I am hoping that the Republicans will get back to 'being Republicans again' and will develop more leaders who do not have close ties to the Christian extremists. In my opinion it is the intolerant rhetoric which has harmed the Republican Party more than their choice of candidates. And even though I am a Democrat, I am opposed to extreme left-wing political agendas and would like to see some true conservatives step up and work with the current congress in a productive way. Fiscal conservatism is something we could use right now - and we didn't have it in the Bush Administration. I'm hopeful that we are going to get some great legislation out of the congress now that people are free to voice their opinions again.|||Seems odd to me that you voted for someone you have no clue about !|||No

The GOP leader is Rush

Should we resolve the general election by seeing which party leader can pacify the volcano?

None of them will be able to pacify the volcano. They can't even control the weather properly.|||They wouldn't stand a chance against the ghost of Kamehameha, Hawaii would become the world's sole superpower|||I doubt we have any virgin congressmen we could throw in the volcano.

##|||That sounds like a modest proposal. I suggest Mitt Romney put on his magic underwear and jump in first.

What are examples of things that president James Madison did as a Party Leader and Head of State?

Started the War of 1812 in an attempt to conquer and annex Canada.

No leader, no party, no alliance is within the view of the people for next elections-what are your opinhion?

We are passing through a very critical situation when no leader and no party is liked by the people for next general elections.|||Do you know zeitgeist movement? May be Zeitgeist movement is a solution for you and me do your own research. Today almost all world media in hands of New World Order puppeteers like Murdoch. They manipulate and brainwash people, many of us don鈥檛 understand or realize that we all victims of evil plans of NWO. Democrats and Republicans have both failed us. No one is looking out for OUR interests. Next, the Federal Reserve is a Private Bank that issues our currency and controls our Nations Credit. This is against Constitutional Law. It is the Treasury Department's job to do this. Recently the Federal Reserve printed Trillions of Dollars causing severe inflation. Then the Government used this money to give it to already Rich corporations as our tax dollars. This rigged markets and caused economic collapse around the entire world. These Corporations in turn used that money to give themselves bonuses.1. It consists of Homeless people, hippies, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, high school students. College students, adults, children, teenagers, democrats, republicans, libertarians, moderates, jobless people, people with jobs... every type of person there is.2. It is In every Major city around the entire world.3. All the protests in America and some other parts of the world are peaceful. But not every part of the world is protesting peacefully. Some countries have over thrown their dictators.4. it鈥檚 time to mobilize and aggressively move on common sense political reforms.We鈥檝e had enough of鈥?The Two-Party Oligarchy,Big Government,Big Corporate Power,The Concentration of Power It鈥檚 time to鈥?,Decentralize,Create New Political Parties,Restore the Rule of Law.The economic top one-tenth of one percent of the global population has launched an economic war on us. They are hoarding $39 Trillion in investible wealth, not counting the vast sums they have hidden in offshore accounts. In the United States, we now have the highest and most severe inequality of wealth in our nation鈥檚 history. While there is a record number of American citizens currently living paycheck to paycheck, in debt, unemployed, underemployed, without healthcare, on food stamps and in poverty, as our society is breaking down, global bankers have taken our tax dollars and given themselves all-time record-breaking bonuses. The same people who destroyed our economy have been rewarded with trillions of dollars in national wealth. It is now evident that both political parties and all three branches of government, along with the mainstream corporate media, have been bought off by global economic elite. As a broad-based network representing people across the political spectrum, we are working together to reach common ground and fight for pivotal political reforms. As long as the economy and government are rigged in favor of the top economic 0.1%, we will all lose.Here鈥檚 a general outline of our common ground platform:Enforce RICO Laws,Break Up the Big Banks,End the Fed,Break Up the Mainstream Media,Shut the Revolving Door,End Closed Door Lobbying,Increase Government Transparency,End Corporate Personhood, Amend Campaign Finance,Verify All Votes,Investigate War Profiteers,Investigate War Crimes,End the Wars,Reopen the 9/11 Investigation,Restore Civil Liberties,Uphold the Constitution,Clean Air, Water %26amp; Food,Reduce Healthcare Costs, Profiteering,Make Healthcare a Human Right,Improve Education For All, Reduce Costs,Reform Prison System,Reform Drug Laws,Immigration Reform,Rebuild Infrastructure,Protect Internet Freedom,Empower States鈥?Rights,End Corporate Welfare,Raise Taxes on Richest 0.1%,Reduce Taxes for 99%.These are the core common ground issues that we must urgently rally around and support. Unless we organize and take decisive action, we will all suffer the consequences of our collective inaction. Any politician who does not urgently move on these issues must be voted out of office and replaced by people who will aggressively fight on this fronts.|||relax, thing will become clear before elections.|||give annahazare a chance to rule and to curb the corruption.|||Don't worry. We will find out the worst possible government for us as we always do.

Why is the Republican party leader a radio talk show host?

LOL......if Rush is the Republican party leader then the GOP is in deeper trouble than anyone thought.|||Rush may be a conservative but he is NOT the Republican Party leader... LOL ... you guys are sooo funny. The MSM cannot stop shutting up about him and because you only listen to the MainStream you assume he is our leader... LOL what a joke.

I will bet you right now that more Democrats listen to Rush than Republicans. I know I don't nor do any of my conservative friends... we hear about him sure... but it is my Liberal friends that always knows exactly what he says... It is seems even on Y/A the libs are always talking about him. Not the Republicans... funny huh...

EDIT.. hahaha thumb me down all you want but it is true. Rush is the MainStream Medias number one enemy. And they talk about him all the time. Break free from the MSM and you may learn something of value.|||Because most rednecks dont own tv sets or have the internet, so the radio is the best way to communicate with the majority of the people within their party.

They like to have the radio with them on the lawn as they are building their crosses to light.

It keeps them busy.

A rednecks work is never done.|||I feel dumb responding to such a stupid question. But, "Who is ourallegedd leader today?"

IS it Hannity, Ingraham, Limbaugh or Savage?

Everyday its different according to which lib-tard is yapping his blow hole.

Question for you, Why do Democrats pass a pseudo stimulus package that does nothing for the economy and pays back political connections how have help forward the liberal agenda?

Like Acorn, ACLU and Global B.S. for your buddy Al Gore?|||The Republican Party is so bankrupt of ideas since all of their policies have failed that they have resorted to following the lead of an entertainer, as Rush has described himself.

As a propagandist, Rush is very effective and the Republicans rely heavily on propaganda to garner support.|||Because no one else in the party is electable in a general election or shows any type of leadership qualities.

By default Rush becomes the leader because he reaches the biggest group of people and talks the party line the most.

And thats good for the dems... welcome to the Whig party of the 21st century... sorry repubs|||Due to a perceived void, Limbaugh appointed himself.

This is bad news for the Republicans and further polarizes them. They would do well to jettison such self-seekers as Rush and Palin. Rush is a hypocrite- his muddy past speaks for himself.

Kinda like Tim Foley or Ted Haggard preaching about sexual morality or Demo Rod Blagojevich teaching ethics.|||I assume you are talking about Limbaugh.

He will tell you he is an entertainer first, talk show host second.

He wants to try talk about politics in an interesting manner.

If he was Democrat, would you have such a problem with him?|||Why are effeminate liberals so afraid of him? Seriously, aren't YOU the party that supports "freedom of speech", or does that only apply to YOUR speech?|||Good question - I asked a simular question last night and Y/A wouldn't post it, and the second time they deleted it.

The answer is, because they have a leadership void and Rush is moving in. Good luck with that Republicans.|||Because many people want to hear conservatism championed and the Republican party has too many spineless moderates in it at the moment.

He is the leader by default.|||When the president's sole job qualification is a "community organizer" any job requirements for any position kind of go out the window..|||You don't see anyone else besides "really tan guy" speaking for their side? The RNC is in the process of electing a chairman, three tries so far and no banana, literally.|||Because the sheeple need somebody to think for them. They picked a college dropout, Rush Limbaugh, as their leader.|||Rush Limbaugh is a conservative. I don't think he refers to himself as a Republican too much.|||Well, so far it seems the House is in lockstep with Rush's orders to vote No to everything Obama proposes.|||He accurately represents EVERYTHING they stand for|||He's not the leader His Is a voice In the party but by no means the leader.|||Boy you watch to much MSNBC sounds like to me ,or one of the few that do watch MSNBC as there ratings drop faster than leg Chill-in rug burn Matthews in front of Obama.|||They specialize in propaganda: nationalist, religious, anti-intellectual, sexist. You name it. They have a style to fit any budget.|||Cause there no jobs and a recession that is the only job they can find seens obama toke over the white house.|||the same reason pelosi is the liberal leader|||Rush isn't the leader. He's just a talk show host with an opinion. One man behind a mic can't run the whole party.|||They got nobody else.|||He's not...he's a Conservative who has a radio show.

Do you just regurgitate everything Olberman says???|||If only you had the ability to think for yourself. Imagine how bright your future would be.|||Why are liberals so stupid that they don't understand individuality?

Liberals have been walking in lockstep for so long, and thinking with the same brain, that they don't understand the way free people think.

Republicans have many leaders, and conservatives have many contributors, all with their own points of view and no sense that they MUST agree or die.|||He's not. Dont believe everything Keith Olberman tells you....he's just jealous.|||It's not, but he sure scares the be-jeebus out of your leader.|||He's not. Leftists came up with that because they're afraid of Rush.|||He's not.

Does anyone know who the Founder, or leader of the Tea Party Movement is, or the guy who was on the Daily Show?

I want to try to find that interview with the Jon Stewart and the Tea Party Founder/Leader, (I don't know if he's the same guy). However, I just can't remember his name, and Wikipedia doesn't have his name.|||The great thing about the Tea Party is that it has no clear cut leader. It is a grass roots movement of people that feel we are Taxed Enough Already and we are not going to take any more crap from Washington. We want the budget balanced, the taxes lowered, and the government out of things that they don't belong in.|||On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;colonists%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor.

To answer your post, the party started 238 years ago by the "people". It's always been around. The "people" have had enough of liberalism in the oval office and the once led Pelosi led house. Last November, ( WORST ANY PARTY DEFEAT IN 70 YEARS ) ==%26gt;%26gt; libs lost 60 house seats, 10 senate seats, 14 governorships and 680 state assembly seats NATION WIDE.

That's the 21st century version of tossing them into the water.

Phase 2, 11/2012.

=====%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Thumb down facts is nothing more than breathing air in a delusional bubble.|||Actually Ron Paul was the founder. But he backed away when Dick Armey and The Koch Brothers high-jacked it.|||I confess, it was meeeeeeeeeeeeee....

Should the Leader of the Republican Party be someone who votes for the Democrats?

The Leader of the Republican Party should vote for a Democrat!?

Liberals think that should be a prerequisite...are they right...or just smokin' something?|||That's even too out there for the likes of Janeane Garofolo. And that is one messed up self-hating lady.|||You seem to be projecting something nonsensical onto Liberals so that you can then ridicule it. You should stick to reality.

The reality is that there are people with genuinely different viewpoints. There is nothing wrong with someone just because they don't happen to agree with me all the time. The opposing viewpoint should have a voice. In this case, since the Democrats are in power, the opposing viewpoint belongs de facto to the Republican Party. We need that as a nation.

However, the "leader" of the Republican Party (and all Republicans for that matter) ought to be able to listen to reason. Democrats are not always right, but neither are they always wrong. Likewise, Republicans are not always wrong, but neither are they always right.


To Sagacious...: I know the feeling.|||I'm guessing you're referring to Cheney's comment about Colin Powell and Rush a little over a week ago...

No, the leader of the Republican Party shouldn't be expected to vote for Democrats. I think what is being pointed out is the hypocrisy of disavowing Powell as a Republican because he endorsed Obama, but Lieberman (a member of the Democrat Party, elected as an Independent) was welcomed at the Republican Convention because he endorsed McCain. On top of that, Lieberman was invited and welcomed, yet Ron Paul was not even invited nor were his 3 delegates acknowledged (they were tallied as 'other'). It gives the impression that if a Republican doesn't fall in lock-step with the party line, they are thrown under the bus.


Instant thumbs down... It would appear that even stating an honest perception in a respectful manner cannot be tolerated.|||no, that would make the democrat. Which makes me wonder if we have a republican in office now or what. Democrats and Liberals complained about the money Bush was spending, Obama is putting Bush to shame in that department! And even sticking up for our troops and the war effort!|||The Dem's would love the GOP to turn left, that would make sure the Dem's stay in power. The Republicans need to be more like the Libertarians and forget the crap the Dem's (socialist) push.|||Well, in 2008 the Republican Party nominated John McCain who might as well be a Democrat! So what is the difference?|||All the Republicans need is a boss who knows how to get the people's trust. Until then they might as well give all of their other bs a rest.|||the leaders of any party should vote for what beast serves their constituents|||They wish.

Oh wel its fun to see them tell us how to run our party.

They are entertaining me with it.

Is Rush Limbaugh the new leader of the republican party?

These days Rush Limbaugh absolutely seems to be the voice of the new right. More than even the person who I thought was the new up and coming leader of the Republican party, Newt Gingrich. Everything Rush says these days seems to be dead on for what the Republican party stands for today. So is he or is he not the De Facto leader of the Republican Party today?|||I find Rush interesting to listen to sometimes but I don't consider him a leader of the Republican party. I see him as a conservative radio talk show host who is getting old enough to retire soon. Rush has never ran for office and has no desire to run.

I think that the Republican party leader should be someone who is in politics. That may seem a bit odd but I want someone who will put their money where their mouth is and actually run for office and then represent Republican values.

I don't know who that is. There are a few who would be good. I'm a bit impressed with my rep right now, John Boehner. I see Jindal and Palin as possible movers and shakers in the party. Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul have let their voices be heard loud and clear.|||if so, they are in big trouble.|||I hope so.

*Sees a world without Republicans and sighs in happiness*|||The band Rush should be the new leader.

"Today's Tom Sawyer mean mean pride". Enuff said.|||He only holds the honorary title of Maha Rushie|||No, The cloned FDR.|||yeah pretty much these days.|||no he isnt.|||Not even close. You watch too much Hardball (a great show). He is simply a guy with a big audience who senators and the like enjoy being on the good side of because he has a large and easily molded audience (he's on the radio one step closer to god than most)|||He is a radio show host. period!|||i dont know but everytime i listen to him i swear the word ni**er is always on the tip of his tonge and one of these days hes gonna slip up|||No. Drop the word new from your question and my answer would be yes.|||Sounds like it. You have elected officals publically apologizing to that big drug addict fatso.|||WOW from self described water-boy to the learder of the party.. I guess the Republicans really are getting desperate!|||It sure seems like he has all the answers for republican party.|||He's a commentator, not a politician.|||That's wild. A hypocritical Junkie 'leader'.|||Rush Limbaugh the "De Facto" leader of the Repubs? I seriously think not. Seriously. ( o _ 0 ) He's the "De Facto" leader of the 2 big Macs, 2 large fries, 2 apple pies, and 1 extra large diet coke association.|||He's their "Messiah" (sound familiar?)|||He uses old brainwashing tactics and the weak fall into his spell, all the while being doped up to the max, probably slobbering all over the microphone.|||(My)God I hope not. .........and I am Republican. I just need to succeed like you do.|||Unless we can find someone with bigger balls that Rush has, he can be my voice for the GOP and conservatism.|||Rush Limbaugh is hurting the Republican party, and that is fine by me. The Republican Party has become a regional party of racist whites, the rich, and the Social Conservatives.

In only seven states do the majority describe themselves as solid Republicans: Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, Nebraska, and Kansas, and Alabama.

The Rush, Hannity, Savage hate spew further marginalizes the party.

But is Rush the leader? It seems so. When a Congressperson apologizes to Rush for what he previously said about him, this is sad.|||Apparently. They have found their Messiah.|||This is all posturing and political grandstanding to bring talk radio into the media spotlight.

0bomber wants his media allies to start doing negative stories about Talk Radio

Limbaugh was singled out because he is the most well known Talk Radio host

Limbaugh is also the person the Liberal MSM can easily dig up dirt on

The "Fairness Doctrine " is coming and

Welcome to the beginning of Totalitarian America

The House Rhinos will have their tails between their legs

McCain will kiss 0Bomber's butt on every issue

Polosi and Reid will bring it to 0bomber

0bomber will sign it

Kiss talk radio good by

This is the home base of conservative political shows and christian gospel programs.

2 things that liberals do not want to hear about|||probably, i can't stand him though, i prefer michael savage.

EDIT: candide, without conservatives you WON'T SEE A WORLD AT ALL.

Is Limbaugh the Leader of the Republican Party?

We now have Socialism. Why do Republicans continue to debate Democrats on Socialism? Now is the time to start COMMUNICATING to people about the founding of our country and how it is base in INDIVIDUAL freedom and LIMITED government. The government gets its power from the people; not the other way around!

Rush Limbaugh is the PEOPLE'S CHOICE for leader of the Republican Party because he communicates these principles every day, and people are starving for someone to echo their sediments like Rush does. There are no Republicans in our government with the ability to do this.|||Perhaps common sense will prevail again and Huckabee will be the leader of the Republican party.|||no|||Yes, which is why rnc chairman michael steele apologized for telling the truth about "el rushbo"|||No, he is a loud conservative voice however and that doesn't always fit in line with the Republican Party..|||yeah its funny how some right wingers actually agree with limbo|||Rush is a great entertainer and articulates the conservative values well. But he is not the leader of the party. Please stop helping the left.|||why do you think all these people are holding *mock tea partys* along with joining Glenn Beck's The GOP are all beginning to speak out!|||It just goes to show yah how desperate the GOP is. getting the cr*p from the bottem of the barrel|||Rush doesn't want to be the leader of the GOP.|||You ancestors left a country because they felt unwanted and wanted to be free to burn witches, murder Natives and buy slaves.

Perhaps you should follow their example. Since this planet is "socialist," how about moving to the moon?|||Why do people need a chosen leader? Why not be your own leader. I can't stand Republicans or Democrats searching for an all powerful leader. Be a collective leader and this nation would be a better place.

You are in effect calling all politicians and citizens sheep. I couldn't agree more. We do have too many sheep out there, on both sides of those two political parties.|||I am a diehard Republican through and through and will be the first to say that Limbaugh is an assss! and I wish he would keep is big mouth shut!|||we don't have a clear leader for the Republican party yet. Rush however speaks for many of us, at least those of us who value freedom, liberty and the constitution's original intent.|||No, he is only a commentator with a radio show. Get over it.|||YES, AND EVEN DARTH VADER(DICK CHENEY) SAID RUSH LIMBAUGH IS A FINE EXAMPLE OF THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN.|||What? Another liberal posing as a conservative? Limbaugh is an entertainer, he is divisive and hateful-like all of his kind. He doesn't speak for anyone but himself.|||actually there are many republican governors standing up to Obama , but it is hard for them to get their voices heard and understood because the democrats in congress and governors now see themselves as "employees" of Obama's , not as elected officials of the people......Hitler started out this way......didn't you notice in the campaign that Obama said the governors would become his lieutenants?...get ready for the Dictatorship that follows......he's already said he would "call out" any republicans that don't do exactly as he says.......|||Are you kidding? A man who is against America. A man who wishes the President of the United States to fail so he could get his jolly. A man who believes in nothing but Republican and who can not see the goodness in another party be the leader?

Republicans should be ashamed!|||No--he is the biggest idiot that ever lived. We've had socialism for a long, long time now. We have public schools and libraries, policemen and firefighters. Let's not forget medicaid and food stamps, free housing and legal representation. I do believe that prisons are not privately owned either.. . Socialism is not anything new in our country.|||The DNC tried running with this weeks ago. I can't believe they'd still use one of their Puppets to push this anymore. Find something factual or just sit back and read about the real world!!|||I organize people for a living so I would use the metaphor of crazy meaning scattered %26amp; when in order it is having it all together.

They are a mess. They get mad when asked if Limbaugh is the leader but can not say who is cause Steele is an embarrassment to them %26amp; he will only get worst if they keep him aboard. They do no research %26amp; I know about Steele cause he is from my home state.

He should have never apoligized for what he said. He should have stuck by what he said %26amp; let the party split up so it could have grown on more solid grown. He should have then reached out to those that believe in what he said but he is a wimp. They remind me of the houses I go to where everything is scattered %26amp; the minds of the owner's are a mess too. I have to force people to change. To get rid of their junk. Once they do they see what is of value. The republican party needs me to get them in order but I can't force them to change. They rely on history %26amp; looking into the rear view mirror %26amp; as they do that they keep crashing.|||I wish! Our leaders need to stop being so politically correct and afraid of hurting someone's feelings and start taking care of business.|||I belive hat Mr Limbaugh is a voice of the republican party but not the leader. He is a very good communicator but I don't think he speaks for me on all subjects.|||If he aspires to be the head of the Republican party then let him. It is shown he can talk the talk but can he walk the walk?|||We do not have Socialism.

Rush Limbaugh is a radio personality/ entertainer who spews hot air, exaggerations and lies on a daily basis.

Just Say No to Rush|||No.|||Limbaugh is a scam artist whose salary is paid by extremist "think tanks" whose agenda is take America back to the feudalism of the middle ages, with castles for the rich and slavery for the rest. Even Grover Norquist has said so.

For the last 40 years we've had cut-throat competitive capitalism (piracy) for the working class and communism for the rich.

If you can study social %26amp; economic systems without prejudice (impossible for most Republicans) then you learn that socialism is morally superior to western capitalism. If you read the red-letter edition of the Bible, reading only the words of Jesus, you'll find that Jesus was a communist. Pass that on to Rush %26amp; hear him scream!

Can you give me a example of how a recent president acted as a party leader?

Bill Clinton helped unite the Democratic Party during the election and campaigned for Barack Obama in order to get him elected.|||Bush 43 raised campaign money for McCain.

Can you give me a example of how a recent president acted as a party leader?

Bush. Everyone rallied behind his platform after 9/11.|||By listening to his wife


Plan and simple ain't it when you know


What is Tea Party leader Sarah Palin's greatest achievement?

Quitting her job.|||She is not the leader of the Tea Party. There is no leader. When there is, the Tea Party will cease to exist.

Sarah Palin was a two term mayor and the governor of the state of Alaska until the liberal scum was costing her state millions in wasted dollars because of fraudulent frivolous ethics charges. Rather than bankrupt her family paying the legal fees and causing the state to waste money gathering information for the law suits, she opted to resign. All the hoopla made in difficult for her to govern. The liberals best talent is destroying the lives of their perceived enemies.|||The Tea Party MOVEMENT does not have a leader because it is not a political party.

The Tea Party protesters are mainly concerned with the increasing National Debt and the crushing taxes our children and grand children will be stuck with.

What is your answer to their concerns....Nothing?

Instead you waste multiple questions with total foolishness|||When I close my eyes and listen with my ears, Palins greatest achievement is tricking my ears into thinking she has just arrived out of the Ozarks and is trying to fool the american public into believing she actually finished her education. And standing proud with her dysfunctional klan beside her. She is everything that is WRONG and ignorant in our country.|||annoying millions of liberals without trying? ur right- she didn't have to try. she was just her idiotic self and we were so outraged that this person could actually be a leader of our country. sorry for caring- you should have too.

Her greatest achievement was prob being governor but she quit that prob to run for prez soon which she won't win, and her time as gov was awful with the whole bridge fiasco, and employee scandals.|||Annoying millions of liberals without trying.

@CB101 : Yes, I do care. I would like to know what the left's obsession is with one person that no longer holds a political office. Aren't there, I don't know, politicians with power to follow? Really, the stalker mentality is getting tiresome. She's a citizen. She can say and do whatever she wants. If someone listens to her, so be it. And, just to ask the question, what experience did Obama have before being elected? Just out of curiosity?|||telling you ******* the truth|||She saw Russia from her house. Please Hardworking Americans DON'T let the TEA party be hijacked by neo cons. They will promise you the world and completely forget you when they are in.|||To become a multi millionair!!!|||Quitting LOL.|||She got "saved" by a witch doctor.|||She can talk,,|||having a retard kid

Will you be supporting Barack Obama in his campaign to be democratic party leader?


I don't like him one bit. That reminds me, someone on here asked who I dsiliked and I forgot to put him on that list. Danget!|||But at the same time, what about the anti Clinton people, who maybe believe Obama is the lesser of five evils? I'm tired of hearing the critics say that Raganarok would come if Clinton became President!

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|||I like Obama. He's a cool n*gga. I think he'll make a hell of a president. He's got the intellectual and articulate side, as well as the down-to-earth-what's-up-holmes side of it too.|||No because I feel he is a very deceiving person. He is only interested in what he can obtain for himself. Ever heard of the anti-Christ.|||Would i support a system that uses bribery and corruption to be a leader, defiantly not or anybody involved with such a system , a poor man will never be elected to president of the USA . much to its loss

How democratic is it that the son of the party leader now becomes the leader?

Since nobody's votes for this next appointment, - then it's fine.|||Whoever said Pakistan was a democracy??|||It's Pakistan what do you expect?|||How democratic is it that the son of a previous president gets the Supreme Court to steal an election for him?|||bush clinton bush clinton


Father/mother, husband/ wife later, father to son is all happening .They exercise, plan get to know,train all go like that|||G.W. Bush appointed his unqualified friends to hold top government positions.|||He should be very careful and look both ways before standing in a sun roof.|||It happens more often than you'd think.

What exactly the govt and all party elected political leader against the Anna"s ACTIVITY?

Any political elected leader MLA/MP/MLC not interested in Anna"S agiation?Why they are frightning to reduce corruption or they wanted to hold the power with all means to rule political motivated to build india or to build own benifit only?|||Who the hell is Anna?|||THIS SHOWS THAT THEY ARE ALL HAVING CORRUPTED LEADERSHIPS


anna hazare he is our hero,

hazare ji ne ye khasam nakayi hoti to

ye hamare desh me gareeb marjate ,correption kar kar ke neta loge sale ameer ho jathe.

we r wid u.....jai hind

allaha tala ramzan ke mokhe pe hame jeet hasil kare..



UK. Gordon Brown wants to continue as Labour Party Leader, even if he loses the Election.?

In this event, should Gordon be allowed to remain as the Leader of the Labour Party?|||Well to be honest;Gordon Brown has every right to think that he has every right to remain as leader of the Labour Party.

But;Fortunately the decision will not rest with him and his small clique of misguided worshippers; But the decision will be taken by the members of the Labour Party in Westminster who even now have realised that Brown is un electable.

Those Labour Members of Parliament have experienced the benefits of being in the corridors of power and are keen to keep a foothold on the 'gravy train' again as quickly and as long as possible.

So;In the end;The decision is not about what Gordon Brown wants;It is all about what is best for the Labour Party and does it want to remain in the margins of political society for the next 20 years with Gordon Brown as leader.

They know that Labour remains un electable with Gordon Brown as leader.

To be honest;Gordon Brown would have been slung out on 'his ear' long ago;But for the intervention of Peter Mandelson who was parachuted in to revive his sagging political fortunes at the expense of the British economy!|||It's up to the party. If they vote him out that's that! Maybe, they might consider him the best of a bad bunch and vote him back. Doesn't worry me too much, he can't do much damage as leader of the opposition. He's ruined this country as Prime Minister and I would imagine that's blacked his reputation for ever as far as many of the present British electorate are concerned.|||It has been said many times Brown will hang on to power and give a dam for any consequences, They will drag him screaming and kicking out of number ten and the grooves from his fingernails will lead from the drawing room of number ten to the car port. And will be there for all to see for generations.|||I'd say let him. He's helped to destroy Labours believability and now everyone knows exactly how they intend to control and run roughshod over the population. I doubt now that Labour party will ever be trusted again. Hopefully the same will be true of Tories and Lib Dems.|||well it would certainly help the Conservatives if he dose, every question fired at Cameron could be answered with a glance across the floor, and a comment of just trying to clean up after that shower.|||What do you mean even if he loses ? He's history , let him stay as leader forever , it's a guaranty that Labour will never be reelected .|||There's an election coming up, he's hardly going to say that he's going to step down is he?|||he'll be kicked out. no one in the labour party will tolerate that oaf for a second longer than they have to.|||Their all as bad, frankly i prefer him to Alastair Darling|||Nope|||sure why not, i dont think we can stop it

How come when i play Xbox live, anytime i am a party leader no one in my party gets put into a game with me?

I have perfect connection and i never have any problems when I play alone|||First off, Which game is this? It probably is because your connection is not suitable, the connection problems are only occurring because you are either using a router or just have a slow connection. It's nothing to be upset about, you can still have your friends host games and join through them. Have you always had this problem?

Method used for labour party to elect its leader?

what is the method used for labour party to elect its leader? explain briefly.|||The votes system is a form of alternative vote.

Labour party members and affiliated trade union members all vote and rank the candidates in order of preference.

After the votes are all counted if one candidate has 50%+1 of all the votes s/he is elected. If not the one with the fewest votes is eliminated and these votes are reallocated according to the second preference. This continues with the third, fourth preference etc until one candidate has 50%+1 of the votes.|||I think they use the alternative vote combined with an electoral college.

Basically, candidates are ranked in order of preference and if one gets an outright majority they're elected. If not, then the bottom candidate is eliminated and their votes redistributed according to second preferences - this continues until someone gets an outright majority.

This is combined with an electoral college; one third of the votes go to Labour MPs and MEPs, another third to Labour Party members and the other third to members of affiliated trade unions.|||Mike is right.

Just to clarify, an outright majority = 50% +1 votes.|||AV

same for the conservatives and lib dems|||straws,lucky dip or eeny meeny mimy mo?

How much does Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, earn a year as their party leader?

What's his salary? I assume it's not that much as the BNP don't seem to have much money. (I'm not thinking of 'extras' he gets for interviews etc - just how much his annual salary is as BNP leader).

Thanks|||he earns the scorn and derision of all decent minded people on a daily basis|||It`s quite hard to calculate, as he insists on a large percentage of his salary being paid in pies.|||300 Reichsmarks.

Why do the Republicans feel that they need Sarah Palin to be the leader of the Republican party?

The broad doesn't have any clue as to what she is talking about in regards to politics. Are you kidding me????? If she's going to be the leader of the republican party in 2012 then I have a good shot at winning a seat in the House of Representatives then.|||Because there repubplicians.. why doesnt that suprise you..|||Nice grammar and spelling. Best answer....eyebrow raised...

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|||I don't know. I am leaning towards the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal. He has helped Louisiana out of a lot of the problems their state was experiencing. He announced he may run in 2012. He is a young go getter like Obama.

We have moved on, why can't you do the same?|||source?|||A sheer lack of viable alternatives.|||Mostly it is liberals around here I see saying this. Some of us don't feel the need to discuss our party with everyone.

It might occur to you that the derogatory term "broad" was not acceptable when Archie Bunker said it.|||Broad! You make Tony Soprano sound enlightened.|||It's only a small minority of lemmings who feel that way. They are a lost cause. The overwhelming majority in the Republican part can't wait to see the back of her. She's an embarrassment.|||just to piss the democrat!|||Because she is a moral Christian who thinks the Earth is only 600 years old, like most of us conservative Republicans. She shares our values.

All you godless libruls beleeve in all this math, science, and fancy-shmancy book-learnin'. Libruls believe in EVILution.

And she shoots guns, to!

|||They're still in the "we have to become even more conservative" trap. Read an interesting article on how the British Tories reformed themselves and moved to the center -- took several election cycles for them to catch on.|||Nice rant...

But to answer your question...

"Republicans" do not all feel we need Sarah Palin to 'lead us'.

Most of what you THINK you know comes from Sarah Palin herself and not from those that make up a majority of the party.

Did all Dem's want Obama to be president or were you split betwen some wanting Obama and some wanting Hilary?

Don't make generalizations...

Just because you have been trained to parrot the party line doesn't mean that you have ANY idea what you are talking about...

Research BOTH sides before stating an opinion because believe me... Those of us that LIVE to do research will always be there to tell you what is really happening in the world.

Are you still under the delusion that the Economy, the Housing Market, and the Credit Crisis are all George W. Bush's fault?

If so, you haven't been paying attention to your own leftist media because they have been VERY clear that it is the Policy of Bill Clinton... Slick Willy... That have screwed us many years down the road...

The Dem Controlled Congress had a MAJOR hand in this mess as well...

Proof? Evidence?

DAMN... You got me there...


I can back up everything I say... With literature and video from the Left Controlled Media itself...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Economic Reality always follows Economic Policy by 8-12 years. What we're seeing now is the failure of the Subprime Mortgage Market (AKA Subprime Mortgage Crisis), which was a direct result of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1995 (CRA1995) that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

CRA1995 forced banks to use a point based system to determine the eligibility of applicants for home loans, with the three biggest points values coming from their area of residence, their race, and their income.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Credit Default Swaps"鈥?/a>

Steve Kroft examines the complicated financial instruments known as credit default swaps and the central role they are playing in the unfolding economic crisis.

This led to the 1907 Financial Crisis... And was outlawed until 8 years ago... When Congress rescinded the ban.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *鈥?/a>

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

(CBS) The world's financial system teetered on the edge again last week, and anyone with more than a passing interest in their shrinking 401(k) knows it's because of a global credit crisis. It began with the collapse of the U.S. housing market and has been magnified worldwide by what Warren Buffet once called "financial weapons of mass destruction."

They are called credit derivatives or credit default swaps, and 60 Minutes did a story on the multi-trillion dollar market three weeks ago. But there's a lot more to tell.

As Steve Kroft reports, essentially they are side bets on the performance of the U.S. mortgage markets and the solvency on some of the biggest financial institutions in the world. It's a form of legalized gambling that allows you to wager on financial outcomes without ever having to actually buy the stocks and bonds and mortgages.

It would have been illegal during most of the 20th century, but eight years ago Congress gave Wall Street an exemption and it has turned out to be a very bad idea.

While Congress and the rest of the country scratched their heads trying to figure out how we got into this mess, 60 Minutes decided to go to Frank Partnoy, a law professor at the University of San Diego, who has written a couple of books on the subject.

Ask to explain what a derivative is, Partnoy says, "A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is based on something else. It's basically a side bet."

Think of it for a moment as a football game. Every week, the New York Giants take the field with hopes of getting back to the Super Bowl. If they do, they will get more money and glory for the team and its owners. They have a direct investment in the game. But the people in the stands may also have a financial stake in the ouctome, in the form of a bet with a friend or a bookie.

"We could call that a derivative. It's a side bet. We don't own the teams. But we have a bet based on the outcome. And a lot of derivatives are bets based on the outcome of games of a sort. Not football games, but games in the markets," Partnoy explains.

Partnoy says the bet was whether interest rates were going to go up or down. "And the new bet that arose over the last several years is a bet based on whether people will default on their mortgages."

And that was the bet that blew up Wall Street. The TNT was the collapse of the housing market and the failure of complicated mortgage securities that the big investment houses created and sold around the world.

But the rocket fuel was the trillions of dollars in side bets on those mortgage securities, called "credit default swaps." They were essentially private insurance contracts that paid off if the investment went bad, but you didn't have to actually own the investment to collect on the insurance.

"If I thought certain mortgage securities were gonna fail, I could go out and buy insurance on them without actually owning them?" Kroft asks Eric Dinallo, the insurance superintendent for the state of New York.

"Yeah," Dinallo says. "The irony is, though, you're not really buying insurance at that point. You're just placing the bet."

Dinallo says credit default swaps were totally unregulated and that the big banks and investment houses that sold them didn't have to set aside any money to cover their potential losses and pay off their bets.

"As the market began to seize up and as the market for the underlying obligations began to perform poorly, everybody wanted to get paid, had a right to get paid on those credit default swaps. And there was no 'there' there. There was no money behind the commitments. And people came up short. And so that's to a large extent what happened to Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, and the holding company of AIG," he explains.

In other words, three of the nation's largest financial institutions had made more bad bets than they could afford to pay off. Bear Stearns was sold to J.P. Morgan for pennies on the dollar, Lehman Brothers was allowed to go belly up, and AIG, considered too big to let fail, is on life support to thanks to a $123 billion investment by U.S. taxpayers.

"It's legalized gambling. It was illegal gambling. And we made it legal gambling鈥ith absolutely no regulatory controls. Zero, as far as I can tell," Dinallo says.

"I mean it sounds a little like a bookie operation," Kroft comments.

"Yes, and it used to be illegal. It was very illegal 100 years ago," Dinallo says.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *|||Because of AIPAC and Israel?|||Why is it NOW the liberal media, who was so incredibly gracious as not to ask O BAAAA MA any tough questions, is sooo "IN LOVE" with her?

Things to think about....|||She will fade into obscurity. She's not the leader of the Republican party. She's a feeb and everybody knows it.

"Mostly it is liberals around here I see saying this. Some of us don't feel the need to discuss our party with everyone."

I won't be voting for the secret party. Thanks. |||I don't think many Republicans feel that. Go ahead and that shot at a seat in the House. You appear to have what it takes to make a good member of Congress.|||Because they value experience so well LOL...


hypocrites. |||they don't. I think the lib media is pushing her to help destroy the party. I'll support Jindal or Romney in 2012.|||The "broad", huh?

Yet if someone calls Obama a name, they get reported.

But to answer your question, perhaps they feel that she shares their values and ideas. And if she runs is 2012, it could be as a two term Governor, or United States Senator, which is more experience than the President Elect has. |||A recent poll showed that 91% of Republicans like Sarah Palin. It is because she is highly intelligent and an actual conservative. Most Republicans are conservative so it stands to reason that they would like a conservative leader. She sounds a lot like Reagan and he was loved by conservatives. |||just to justify picking her in the first place.|||Wow!! I do not believe in Sarah Palin's views but I will not treat her disrespectfully. (i.e broad). The great thing about this country is that you can believe in whoever you want to. But if she every makes it to President I will move to Alaska to get my government entitlements!!!!|||She's a Conservative with a real record.

You elected a guy with No record whatsoever.

You might not agree with her, but at least you know what you're getting.|||If Sarah Palin is such a bad choice to lead, why are Democrats so afraid of her? I mean the election is over and you guys still cannot stop talking about her. You won, get over it already. The next Presidential election is 4 years away there is no telling who will emerge as the party candidate in that time. Lastly, the next Republican leader is likely to be Michael Steele if he becomes the RNC chair.|||She is a powerful force in their party.|||With that grammar, I'd keep looking for another career path. "The broad" (nice by the way...very respectful) has more a clue than you think. I'm not sure you quite understand what "politics" is yourself.

That being said, she was portrayed, with the help of unkind editing and SNL, as uneducated and stupid. Dig a little deeper than Tina Fey and you may find there is more substance there. You don't build your way up from the bottom to the governor of a state without grit and knowledge. She wasn't born into politics. She fought her away into it, against many obstacles. She didn't ride on her husband's coattails either.

The republicans want the party to go back toward conservatism, fiscally and otherwise. The move toward moderate conservatism hasn't moved them in the right direction and Sarah Palin is just one of many up-and-comers who could help further the cause. She's young, bright, and savvy. She has the energy and the drive to make things happen. She has taken on corruption in her own state and that bodes well that she would do the same on the national level.

Food for thought? Why did she immediately incite such hate from the left before people even knew her? There is a reason they went on the attack to paint her in the light they did.|||I did research into the other republicans %26amp; they all have scandalous things that will come up about their past. McCain had horrible things such as what he did to keep the POWS from coming home. His whole war story is a hoax %26amp; he is on video telling the truth look at the site Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain videos...They have no one except I think Piyesh Jindal but he is not charismatic so he can't beat out a Hillary or Barack...he is also not a white man %26amp; anyone who knows Joe the Plumber off camera knows that ain't goin' to go over to well. So she is the best they got.|||Funny, I've been asking the same question about Obama and the Democrats. Only instead of trying him out to see if he could lead the party, you put the idiot ROOKIE in charge of the Free World.

You do realize this, don't you?|||LOL that just means Republicans are on a down slope. I'll remain Independent!|||Obama has no experience at all in running an Executive office .His is having to show up at roll call and vote or not to vote.And you call Sarah Palin a dumb broad?She has day to day experience running a state government.You can't vote present but not voting while doing that.Obama will be in a really hot seat soon.With nothing to draw from.His goose will be cooked.|||She looks good on TV

... nice hair

... nice smile

... nice figure ...

and then she opens her mouth

... and not much 'nice' comes out!

This is for you ... Ritchwil :

You want one example of what she doesn't know - how about that Africa is a country - that she can see Russia from her kitchen window in Alaska - that it's not a good idea to give your children tacky names, especially 'Bristol' who I hope never goes to visit the UK!|||Care to give us an example of what she doesn't know? Everything you guys have thrown at Gov. Palin so far has turned out to be either fabricated or wrong. In fact, I recall a few weeks back when libs were all over her about her response to an 8 year old about the role of VP which was, in fact, correct in every respect. Liberals made complete fools of themselves over that one.

As to why we would LIKE her...I think 'need' is because she is a true conservative and believes in the concepts of small government, fiscal responsibilty, low taxes and supports national prosperity by promoting rather than reviling business. The current incarnation of the Republican party does not support any of this. They're big government, free spending 'democrat lites' who are pandering to the left because, like democrats, they've learned that they can buy votes with tax payer money. Only problem is, you can't buy conservatives and there aren't enough 'victims' left out there to win your election.

When will Democratic party leader Barney Frank get the recognition he deserves form the Omama administration?

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How important is it to have a charismatic leader to communicate a political party's platform?

How important is it to have a charismatic leader to communicate a political party's platform?

Charismatic - an ability to attract and influence people by the force of one's personality. eg: Adolf Hitler.|||To many people that is all they need, and then one day they look in mirror and wonder what the H*ll they did.

Give me a moron that speaks the truth any day over an educated liar.|||

Your boss will influence you too

Letter from the Boss:

As the CFO of this business that employees 140 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama will be our next President, and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.

To compensate for these increases, I figure that the Clients will have to see an increase in our fees to them of about 8%. But, since we cannot increase our fees right now due to the dismal state of our economy, we will have to lay off six of our employees instead. This has really been eating at me for a while, as we believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who will have to go.

So, this is what I did. I strolled thru our parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. These folks wanted change; I gave it to them.||| Well it sure worked for Jim Jones ! Their are some people who can see still smell the **** through the charm !|||It is only important when the platform is something that the general public would be clearly against when simply given the facts.

Who is the current leader of the Republican party?

Bush said to vote for the bailout. McCain said to vote for the bailout. Republican leaders in Congress and the House said vote for the bailout. But 2/3rds of the House voted against it. Then House leaders first said the Republican House members voted against the bill because of Pelosi's speech....and then came out and said very few changed their vote because of the speech.

Who is the leader of the Republican party?|||Todd Palin?|||We the people are. And the republicans in congress have been the only ones reflecting that.

that and the few people of the democratic party that voted against the bailout.

You forgot to mention, Obama wanetd it, Pelosi wanted it. Bravo to the ones that shot it down.|||When a party holds the White House, then the leader of the party is the sitting president.

So, right now, the leader of the Republican Party is George W. Bush.|||This is one area where I disagree with McCain. He blew a big opportunity to separate himself from Obama and Bush.

True Conservatives and the majority of Americans oppose this bill.|||Ron Paul.

I know, you don't believe me.

He called this, and now the rest of congress is like, hey, how do we save our jobs? Answer: Don't Vote For Cheap Money: no bailout!|||LOL. Nancy Pelosi ..

Is Glenn Beck edging out Rush Limbaugh as GOP party leader?

And what do conservatives see in that crybaby anyway?|||Glen Beck is a Libertarian. He criticizes Republicans just as much as Democrats, and has been doing so for years. He doesn't want to be a leader of anything - he wants people to think for themselves and stop believing all of this partisan bull-crap put out by both sides.

People who supported Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress are just as guilty as the insane Democrats headed by Obama in control now. Beck pulls the wool off the eyes of the sheeple and encourages them to see the whole picture.

He works for FOX because they have the largest audience and offered him the job, but he does not promote 'Republican or Conservative" party agendas.

If he leads anything, it would be in the way of giving people other options than the Bush/Obama globalist agenda - and if you have to be a party member (which I can't see why anyway) - there are other parties which are growing by leaps and bounds, and intelligent people are looking elsewhere. They want truth, constitutionality, and freedom - something which neither the Republicans nor the Democrats embrace.|||I think Glenn Beck makes a lot of sense and I like the guy. I am not obligated to agree with everything he says but I could see myself voting for him. I can't stand Limbaugh, he is a liar and a hypocrite and I would vote against him just to not see him in office even if I didn't like his opponent.|||I wouldn't say either of them are the leader of the Republican Party but Glenn Beck will definitely become more influential than Rush in conservative circles. The most probably cause of the shift is because of the shift in preferences from angry rhetoric (Rush) to fearful rhetoric (Beck) due to the economic downturn.|||yeah he's going to lead the fundie revolt. I think he was just the fall guy, the only one dumb enough to bank his whole career on hating obama. I was worried after the elction. I was like the colbert report and the daily show are going to go off the air now but thanks to people like glenn beck we still have some one to ridicule.|||Yeah....go with that....

Your own words: "And what do conservatives see in that crybaby anyway?"

LOL! My five year old spoke like that too! Of course he stopped talking like that. You on the other hand....

LOL.....Ol HermanHesse (above) says this.."No, pumpkinhead is still the leader republicans love thier big fat drug abusing lying pig nosed turd fondling ****** Rush limpballs."

Now there's a pithy and cogent argument! (Look it up Hermann). HA, You go guy!|||Obviously you do not watch Glenn or know anything about him.

He was bit***** about Bush when he was president also. Funny how you people always leave that out.

If you would actually take a minute out of your day to watch him, you would know that he is an independent and is angry with BOTH parties.|||No. Glenn Beck isn't even a Republican. He is a Libertarian. Is Rachael Maddow or Olberman leader of the democratic party? Of course not.That would be silly. Many Republicans don't even care for Rush. Michael Steele is the public face of the GOP.|||Neither have anything to do with Republicans. They are conservatives. The Republicans (the Neo-Cons, as the Libs like to call them) are not Conservative at all. Neo-Cons are Republicans who wish they were Democrats, like Bush, McCain %26amp; Ahhnold Governator.|||He is so FUNNY! I love Glenn Beck! I crack up watching his show!

He's actually a comedian and goes on tour! He is alot funnier and smarter than Rush- but Glenn is not republican and he supports legalizing drugs- thats one issue I don't agree with him on.|||Michael Steele is the chairman of the GOP.

Glenn has a radio show and a TV show. Rush has a radio show.

Nobody is forcing you to watch him.

So the correct answer is No.|||Larry, Curly and Moe

Glenn, Limbaugh and Hannity|||No, pumpkinhead is still the leader republicans love thier big fat drug abusing lying pig nosed turd fondling ****** Rush limpballs.|||Don't know. Not keeping track. It seems only leftists like you are concerned with such things and then b*tch, whine and moan about how mean they are to you.

Bottom line, go talk to the kettle.|||Crybaby? you jealous... Moveon is calling ya,they miss ya. And neither one is or will be the GOP leader. Who is yours Oberjerk or Tingling leg?|||Neither is a party leader. They happen to be news people.

The only crybaby I've seen in the media lately is Keith Olbermann.|||Nonsense.

Limbaugh is in charge of hate and rumor.

Beck is in charge of conspiracies.

They are team players.|||No. I鈥檇 say it鈥檚 currently between Limbaugh and the Queen of Dumb - Palin.|||That would be great! He's nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake.|||Beck is the more moderate of the Fox news crew.|||Glenn Beck is a Libertarian but nice try, put the kool-aid down.|||They are talk show hosts and entertainers.|||I hope so, makes them that much more irrelevant.|||They want to french kiss his crotchal region.|||no. Both are clowns , not serious politicians.|||I don't know, but I think that Limbaugh is old news and is done.|||I thought grown men were not suppose to cry. Is this not a sign of weakness?|||He's a radio and talk show host. Why does he bother you so much?|||No. Rush knows what he is doing as evil as he may seem. Beck seems like he's just unstable.

How will you use your leader ship skills to motivate your party men to ensure success of the party?

If you are made the campaign leader for a particular

political party .How will you use your leader ship skills

to motivate your party men to ensure success of the party

nominee in the elections? (Focus on the individual motivate

and apply leadership style).|||beer

Does anyone know any good websites about The Green Party of Canada's first party Leader Trevor Hancock?

It's for a research assignment and i've already checked so many websites and search engines. I just need to know websites what his platform's were and stuff like that|||The asker says "Does anybody know . . . ?"

Strictly speaking, the asker wishes to determine whether there is anybody in the whole wide world who knows.

And so, the correct answer to this question is that certainly there is somebody who knows.

The next question probably ought to be "How can I find the person who knows?"


Who was the idiotic leader of the democratic party that sent a letter?

Who was the idiotic leader of the democratic party that sent a letter to former?

President of France, Jacques Chirac citing his willingness to collaborate towards peace in the next four year. Shouldn't he have sent the letter to current President Sarkozy?|||an idiot democrat? man, you need to narrow that down.|||That's nitpicking. Seriously.|||That would be Rush Limbaugh!

Hahaha, sorry, that's so often the answer to "Who was the idiot" questions, I thought I would just put it in. I have no idea what you're talking about.|||me ofcourse.|||THAT WAS OUR PRESIDENT - BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA

Why wasn't this more widely reported...hmmm?|||He was making up for the letter George Bush never sent him.|||"In a letter described by Chirac as 'very nice,' Obama wrote, 'I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world."

Why isn't it more widely reported? Because when the president writes a friendly letter full of platitudes it is non-news.|||The former President of France became the current President of some Humanitarian organization (Jacques Chirac Foundation). As our President Obama can write letters to whom ever he wishes. Since Jacques Chirac wrote to him first it would have been rude to not respond to his letter and not write back.|||mr. obama doesn't know about the USA--he's been in terror training mode for years--and they kept him in the dark--not his fault--

There are only 50 states--not 57--like obama thinks--and the letter was written by his handlers---and at the time his handlers--wrote the letter-two years ago--it was Chirac in office...and obama is not big on proof reading or attention to details--and he missed it--

he misses a lot of important and fundamental details--

He is an idiot--and a narcissist...I wish we could Impeach him..

Independent here--vote out pelosi and her cronies next year!! 2010 let your voice make a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||President Obama sent a polite response to a letter that Chirac had written him in his capacity as a foundation head. As usual, the Obama detractors are trying to make up an issue to criticize Obama about.

The Jacques Chirac Foundation is promoting access to water and medicines in west Africa and combating deforestation in the Congo Basin, among other things.

Jacques Chirac wrote to President Obama and he responded.|||I thought B.O did that.............really living up to his initials isn't he.

This from someone who traveled to all 52|||It wasn't the leader. That'd be Queen Pelosi, but barry DID keep up the policy gaffes with a letter to the old prez.

Special ed jokes, Hillary having the wrong Russian translation, CDs to Brown, throwing out Churchill's bust...does ANYONE in barry's admin know what they're doing.

%26amp; everyone said experience wasn't a concern.|||Why would a Lib send a letter to any Conservative collaborating piece. Send it to their Comrade.

Can liberals name one Tea Party leader who has urged Americans to stage a revolution?

Jesse Jackson, late last month, before a mob of government union workers in Wisconsin, said, "It's time for a revolution."|||cross-hair palin..Who's Jesse Jackson..That texas dude, that wants to start his own country of Texas.|||@Wait a min

*Yep* you surprised me! I didn't think you were going to vote a best answer regarding "In America who suffers more from hate crimes , Jews or Muslims?"

I stand pleasantly corrected.

Oh, thank you for voting my answer as best. That was a double surprise you got me on that one too!

Cheers!|||A revolution to get lemons like him out of government.|||Sam Adams in 1773 the Boston Tea party. Now THAT was a revolution!|||Great question. I feel liberal squirming going on.

Do you think Diana Abbott would make a good leader of the Labour party if she won?

Would you vote for her if she became the new leader of the Labour party?|||No, because she has neither the intellectual stature nor the charisma.

She is just a careerist who has managed to get ahead on the strength of being a black woman; as if that would be a legal requisite for holding power.

Admittedly, there are an awful lot of white middle aged men who are just as inept as Ms Abbott (and I wouldn't support their candidacy either). But two wrongs don't make a right.|||absolutely not.she is nothing but an unprincipled hypocrite. criticised blair and harman for sending their children to selective state schools,it then transpires she paid for her own child's private education(拢10,000 a year),bangs on about racism and then comes out with comments about finnish nurses being "blue eyed blonde's" who have never seen black patients,having to apologise to the house of commons after being investigated by the committee on standards and privileges because of undeclared earnings.on reflection i have just realised she actually ticks all the right boxes to be leader of a political party, unfortunately for her that party is not the labour party.!|||Only if she stands by her left wing principles. The trouble is, that when people get elected to power, they are often persuaded to leave their principles behind. The only person in modern times who didn't was Michael Foot, and he was constantly under pressure from employers and the press to do so.|||Yes I most certainly would vote for Diane Abbott for leader of the Labour Party. I think of Diane as a true member of the Working Class and Socialist Movement and of and for the People etc. She has much support both in her own constituency, in the Parliamentary Labour Party, as well as in the wider London Community of the Common people to which I belong.

There is much to be said for Diane Abbott, a well presented person who is at ease in the company of others and able to get the Socialist message across to her audience.

My thinking is that Diane Abbott will help persuade many now on the edge of the Labour Movement, to come on in and join us.

I think it was Karl Marx who insisted that there could only be political change when women came to the fore in politics. Not sure of his exact words, but something along those lines.

On the issue of immigration, Diane Abbott is in the forefront of the argument supporting the people, who are not opposed to immigration, but who wish to do something at lest to ensure that the inflow of people from our British Commonwealth is given a top priority.

The Americans operate a fair immigration policy which is not based upon race. We here in UK should follow their lead in this matter.

And like our dear Bo-Jo (the Tory mayor of London, the poor darling), I am entirely in favour of an amnesty for the many hundreds of thousands (and more) of so called illegal immigrants, many of whom so dearly wish to belong here and who already contribute much to our glorious city and the nation as a whole.鈥?/a>

I think Diane Abbott is very astute, especially on the way in which immigration and immigrants are being blamed for Labour's failure in the polls. It is an extremely dangerous road down which to go, to blame the Common People, who just happen to be immigrants.

The Working Class must join together and march in solidarity towards the Celestial City to create a Socialist Britain for the benefit of all of the people.

The Working Class of London turned out in their millions to vote Labour at the 6th May General Election. They upgraded their total support for Labour by actually increasing their vote in support of their leaders. It is just a pity that this could not have been done in the wider national community of the Workers of Britain as a whole.

We are told that rasing the tax threashold for Workers in the Lower Paid Sector is somehow a Liberal/Democrat policy, when in fact it is a Socialist and Labour Party Policy and has been for many generations. We are told by the Osborne person, that the burden of personal taxation will 'slowly' be lifted from the shoulders of the people at the so-called lower end of the pay scale.

Let me just outline it like this. If I do not clean your office Mr Osborne person, soon you will be wallowing in your own filth. It is I and my fellow Workers who make it possible for you to be a Toff. We comb your hair, cut your toe nails and generally clean up after you, yet you and your kind continue to snear at us and take spiteful action against us while you enjoy a luxury life-style at our expense.


And yes, Comrades, there are still yet 27 million slaves held world wide and while one of us is a slave, none of us is free.鈥?/a>

POWER TO THE PEOPLE - A NEW DAWN AWAITS|||She would be the first woman leading the sexist Labour party that would be a good thing, but I don't think she will get in. The polls show the public like her but her own MPs didn't vote for her at all. So it going to be a David Millband leadership instead.|||Not a chance. She belongs to the "Don't do as I do. Do as I say you should do" school of political argument. Having said that: Who cares? Labour aren't going to be in power for another decade, and considering the MESS they've left the nation in that's quite right too!|||A female black version of Tony Blair i.e. the false smile, reneging on socialist values, a millionaire in her own right, a hypocrite of the first order. In fact a complete facsimile of Blair himself. Do we want another Blair? I do not think so!

EDIT%26gt; L - you are 100% correct.|||Well being she is brain dead and the labour party waiting to be interned the answer is yes.|||A racist leader of the labour party would get about the same share of the vote as the BNP..|||I wouldn't be happy, prefer Edd or David (either). Would still vote Labour though...what we have at the moment is ridiculous!|||She maybe a lovely person but she isn't a leader.|||The Conservatives do, they would be in guaranteed the next election.|||She is providing a voice for the Black Britons in British society is all....!

How do you Democrats feel about the American Communist and Socialist party’s leader’s praise for Obama?

Does anyone else feel a little weird that they man who might be running our “Democratic” nation for the next four years is getting the thumbs up from the two most evil parties in the world.|||blah blah blah - the Klan liked Bush - blah blah blah

You're boring.|||Alot of people do, the democrats are more socialist because of their support of welfare and distribution of wealth and healthcare, thats why they support him cuse obama is more socialist.|||do you know how many Heil Hitler Nazi hand Salutes and Skull %26amp; Bones Society Hand-shakes Bush did for the past 8 years............?|||SECRETLY THEY ARE PROBABLY VERY HAPPY FOR THE SUPPORT

Who was the best Conservative Party leader since WWII? Who was the worst?

Please give reasons.|||Macmillan. The wily old fox who looked over 100 and at death's door 25 years before he was berating Margaret Thatcher for selling off the family silver. We never had it so good, and he was right. I don't think Britain has been so prosperous since, certainly not since WW2. Pity about Beeching.

Another surprise was Dracula - Michael Howard, whose finest hour was after he resigned the leadership and arranged the masterful Big Brother Eviction election of his successor that gripped the nation for weeks. I had no hopes for the man who inflicted the Poll Tax on us, yet in leadership, he became a born-again Disraeli and really very statesmanlike.

The worst? There are several contenders for different reasons:

Eden was absolutely idiotic over Suez, and would have broken up the Commonwealth too it we let him.

Iain Duncan Smith - from what I heard, his relationship with party workers was catastrophic, and the ultimate farce was when he got a fit of the giggles on the Today programme and went off like the Laughing Policeman. He might yet recover his standing if his Government can resist the temptation to bash the dole scrounger, and concentrate instead on giving them proper jobs to go to.

For me though, it must be Margaret Thatcher. I had a taste of her hypocrisy when she was Education Secretary and was Guest of Honour at my school Founder's Day. She parotted what the Headmaster had just said, without thinking whether it was right or not, and then bought the school by giving them an extra half day holiday.

She squandered the North Sea oil riches that should have made us as rich as Norway, and closed down our industrial base handing the loot over to a bunch of cowboys, who are ruining the world now.

She was responsible for the post-Soviet kleptocracy that threatens to make Russia the crime capital of the world, and everyone keen to follow their example, as Russia followed hers.

She brought us the European Single Market, while saying No No No to Europe, contradicting the very thing she was doing.

Hers was the Poll Tax, and she arranged the selling off of public utilities to foreigners - an act of Treason hard to beat.

Her strident "there is no such thing as society" and "there is no alternative" is what has made the UK such a brutal, hateful, grasping, celebrity aspirational bunch of philistine louts that bring shame down on our heads abroad, and reinforces the concept that Britain is only there to be fleeced.|||Most of my friends would yell out REAGAN. I find him the worst for a few reasons, first he did fund train and equip Bin Laden. He did give arms for hostages. He did create liberal laws and regulations that destroyed S%26amp;L banking industry. He also raised taxes more than even Obama (and Obama's tax heights have not happened yet so we have the lowest taxes in history under Obama).

To me the best conservative party leader is probably Obama, he is not even a conservative party leader. He has kept gitmo opened, expanded wars, used the patriot act to kill and assassinate 7 of the top 10 al qeida, and taken out dictators in both egypt and libya. Obama has also cut taxes to an all time low, and kept banks relatively deregulated (meaning no glass steagall).|||Reagan was the best! He lowered taxes and created millions of jobs.

Bush Jr probably the worst since he was stuck with Pelosi and Harry Reid and was manipulated and lied to by them. Really it was mostly all Barney Frank and Dodd who destroy the economy and Bush was fooled by them. Kinda his fault for trusting those losers! Bush probably should not have allowed that Tarp that was handed to Obama - that began the destruction of America.|||Eisenhower was the best. A traditional conservative, who never would have dreamed of the type of corruption and shilling for the wealthy that the rest of the con's since WWII, seem to do on a regular basis.

Reagan was the worst, although Bush was arguably more in incompetent. Since Reagan, the American economy has been a roller coaster ride of bubbles and busts. American workers have seen their wages stagnate and decline for all but the very top incomes (which have dramatically increased). American households now need 2 workers to maintain a middle class lifestyle, where prior to Reagan it took only 1. American households have had to take on massive debt (credit cards, home equity) to try to maintain a middle class lifestyle since Reagan's economic trickle down policy's started being implemented. America never had the kind of "out of control" debt, growing larger every year, prior to Reagan slashing the top marginal tax rates (and raising taxes on working people).

Reagan's presidency was a major shift in direction for America. Since Reagan we have gone from a society working to have a strong middle class and shifted to getting government (We The People) out of the way of big business's and the wealthy, and transferring our nations wealth into the hands of a very wealthy and elite few... at We The People's expense.

EDIT: Sorry about that. From my perspective of the UK (a somewhat limited knowlege there) I would say that Thatcher was probably one of the worst Conservative leaders there. Our worst in America, which was Reagan, actually followed many of the very same policy's and tactics as Thatcher.|||Accepting that different times call for different qualities I would say the best is a close call between Churchill and Thatcher, and the worst for my money was Heath.

Why? The former built the country up not just in terms of wealth but also prestige. Ted Heath was unable to stand up to certain pressures (eg trade unions and the lure of the Common Market) and both those influences have had a disastrous effect on our country. Trade unions and their greed led to the loss of thousands of jobs we will probably never see again and the Common Market became the EU which is crippling us.|||undoubtedly margaret thatcher i would swim the seven seas and crawl across a burning desert just kiss the wxxxy that makes love to her

What qualties should a good political party leader have, who is trying to run for Prime Minister?

competency, honesty, attentive, experience in politics and a excellent negotiator.|||f slku p[unktmln; hkl,m jgr u bvxghjn



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So is Rush Limbaugh a Republican leader or is he a Tea Party leader?

He is an entertainer, nothing less and nothing more.|||Mr Perfect complained about Michelle not looking good enough for him in a bikini.

No, not him in that bikini, Michelle, a mother of two, who at six feet tall, isn't ever going to look like a size two model.

But then, neither does he, and we can only be grateful he's never been photographed in a Speedo.

He is the voice, and maybe the picture (white, male, middle aged) of the Republican party, long before the TP he was rambling (was it the drugs?) about the half baked ,not fully thought out problems of the country, like who Clinton was doing.

But not the wars.|||"So is Rush Limbaugh a Republican leader or is he a Tea Party leader?"

What does it matter to you? And why are you repeating an old propaganda meme that the White House team put out? Dont you have a mind of your own?|||Neither, what is with the Rush questions today? Did something happen that I missed or are libbies just out of ammo and throwing old stuff?|||neither

he is a radio entertainer.

That would be like asking if rachael maddows was a democratic party leader.|||I think the TEA PARTY is a means of getting votes for the ultra conservatives, thus electing more Republicans|||He's an arrogant asshole who actually had the balls to comment on Michelle Obama's waistline.|||He is just a very smart guy on the radio that has tons and tons of common sense too.|||hes an angry man with all the problems but no solutions.

kind of like every news station ever.|||hes just a guy on the radio that people listen to, so whatever that makes him|||He makes the libtards go crazy and cry all day.|||Neither, he is a talk show host, and a good one at that!|||he is a radio talk show host.

Why are Republics so anxious to find a leader for thier party!?

When Bush was president, democrats weren't looking for a leader or trying to find out how to redefine ourselves. We stuck to our values and beliefs and in the end, most Americans realized that a Bush way of thinking does not work and is dangerous. Most Democrats loved Clinton and we felt just fine with how our party worked, thought, and changed America. Why are Republics so lost and feel they need a make-over? Aren't they just the Whig party anyway!|||The Republican Party has to change if it is going to survive. The Party is a dinosaur. They are regressive in their thinking. They are stuck in the 1950's and Father Knows Best. The Good Ole White Boys Party isn't going to survive. They have been hanging onto Gays Guns and Abortion and those three issues won't win elections anymore.

They used scare tactics for over 20yrs, telling you the government is going to take away your guns. The government has not taken away any-ones guns.|||Republics??|||Nowdays it's either "he's one of us" (radical extremist nutjob) or a RINO.|||we republicans ave made many mistakes these last years

but do not count us out

obama hillary reid pelosi can keep talking and we will be fine trust me|||dems didn't look for a leader because they were too busy insulting Bush and demonizing our soldiers risking their lives. The dems can't even pass a health care bill with a strong majority in the house and the senate.|||Who's looking for a leader?

No One.

You're just another liberal, making-up fiction to feed your feeble ego.|||They were too chicken to go for the all out fiscal conservative libertarian Ron Paul.|||Currently all you have is the blind leading the blind. Rush Michelle, Sean and Beck the current leaders. Oh and Wilson of S.C.|||there like sheep %26amp; are looking for a new herder to follow|||If Clinton and the democrats were that popular, then how come congress went to the Republicans after he got in office?|||Because their party is falling apart.|||They are. Over the years they changed into fear mongering, hate, lies and racists. I would be embarrassed to call myself a republican. The party of old white men better join the 21st century and realize they are a dying breed. The status quo party is living in the 19th century.|||They have nobody right now.|||Of course, they need a make-over.....but why in the world are they going further in the same direction??? Palin? Wilson?

I'd rather vote for the guy who is county clerk in my city to be the next President than anyone I see prominent in the Republican party.

The Libertarians aren't much better... they are out there listening to the voices in their heads, too.

There are so many Americans in such an awful place now...and we have some serious, serious problems....and all I see are nut jobs either insisting that we need more of the same.....or else some kooks who want to elect some Ayn Rander...|||I believe you are referring to REPUBLICANS and NOT Republics, first off. Secondly, the GOP is not for you to worry about as you aren't one of them.|||because they like to play the party game "Follow the Leader"